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Written, Tuesday, Jul. 08, 2003 at around: 1:24 PM

I'm silly


Today has been busy, and it's only one thirty.

I made macaroni and cheese last night, and was dying to eat it, so I made sure I took a lunch break. A whole 15 minutes to scarf it down. Now I'm going to take another 10 to write this.

I've been pretty goddamn busy, which makes me happy. I'm still really stressed out, but at least there's tons of things to keep me busy. Among those busy things is trying to make up my mind. I've been wracking my brain for the past few weeks trying to figure out where I stand on my boyfriend's IQC (I Quit Club... clever, eh?) membership. Today I figured it out, and hopefully he did too.

Don't you guys hate how I leave out details sometimes? No... oh. Okay.

The way I see it, his dreams of a Juinior Executive Semi-private with no view and a 401k will come true. Hopefully before his next set of bills arrive. Please cross your fingers for him, he's a nice person, and deserves it.

On the other end of the IQC/IGF (I got fired... huh? Get it?) clubs, I've been trying to get in touch with Crazian John. He's supposedly been approved for a SOMA check (Sit on my ass... wow, I have a lot of anagrams for unemployment) but he needed some info from the Sit On My Ass diva (That'd be me). I haven't been able to get a hold of the crazian, so no dice, eh? John, if you're reading this... call me on my cell phone-- I have info for you.

Jesus, my online journal is offically a message board. Change the name from to, and you're all set.

In other news, I haven't masturbated in a while. I don't know what that means, but I guess it's something positive, because I haven't really wanted to. Sorry guys, I know I haven't really been writing about sex or masturbation much, so I'm going to try and catch up this week. There won't be much discussion now, as I'm at my place of employment, but I'll be sure to hook it up. Just for you guys! :-) Aren't I awesome?

Well, my ten minutes are up. I'll chat with you guys after I get home. have an AWESOME afternoon and a KICKASS evening.

Love AND adoration


Written, Monday, Jul. 07, 2003 at around: 10:31 PM

I don't feel like writing a title.


Oreo barbie update.

That entry was perhaps my most favoritest one yet. It made me feel better, and almost happier. The funny part is that I was going to write (read: Did, and changed my mind about writing) this long, drawn out entry regarding how I've felt for the past month or so.

All I'm gonna say on that tip is that my muscles are sore all over my body, and Peptic Ulcer here I come.

Anyway, hi. Yeah, I'm okay. Hmm, what have I done with myself today? I... went to work. I... walked home in the rain. I....found out that any snack item is greatly improved simply by adding sharp cheddar cheese. Pokemon convinced me that it's way more important to beat an RPG than to read Harry Potter (I'm on the 4th book, not the 5th-- don't send me emails asking me about what happens in chapter five of Order of the Pheonix. Please.) I didn't go anywhere all evening, except outside to move the trash can, and I still ended up missing monster house and monster garage.

I managed to sneak in a nap for about a half an hour until my phone rang with a disgruntled asian person on the other end of the phone. This time, the asian of choice was Noy (who's in the glossary). We chatted it up for a while as she helped some kid on her block get into his house with no key.


I haven't spoken to my boyfriend in a couple of days. Don't you girls (and boys who walk awful close to that crooked line... lol) all go presuming that he did something wrong. Quite the contrary- he just deserves a little space. Seriously, we talk almost every day. I know he's okay, I've see his IP address pop up on my stats page.

Jesus, what a geek I am.

[sarcasam]Yes, my life has been terribly exciting lately.[/sarcasam]

I really, really need to take a nice 5 day vacation. I want to get away from here, and just relax. For someone who was unemployed for 8 months, you would imagine that I would have relaxed. Oh no, not I. Although my mind was completley thrust into the intelectual vacation that is extended periods of unemployment, my body, and more importantly my spirit haven't had any time to re-coup. Some re-coup time would be really fucking nice right now.

I'm going to sit down and not watch (read: listen to) family guy while I get frustrated with *still* being lost in pokemon. Have yourself a merry little eveing, and a bright tomorrow!

Love and adoration,


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