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Written, Monday, Jul. 07, 2003 at around: 2:50 PM

Yep, breaktime


My hands are covered in papercuts... most of them invisible to the naked eye, but I can feel them. I'm taking a break from this envelope project, and giving you guys an update.

Well, I'd bearly call what I'm about to write an "update" but whatever.

I didn't take a lunch today, which means I've been busy. My mom came over to chat like she usually does, but I just sat and listened while I went at my projects. The biggest thing I have on my plate right now is something I'm horrible at. No it doesn't involve math (at least not yet). I have to alphebetize all of these fucking catalogs. That's why I'm working with thse envelopes, getting papercuts and whatnot.

I'm good at alphebetizing, I just don't like doing it. When I don' t have an interest in things, I'll usually do a half-assed job. There's probabaly a sub-concious hope that if I do a half-assed job that no one will ever ask me to do it again. That's bullshit, and it never works, but I do it anyway. I've been trying to avoid doing a half-assed job, because the fact that I have to do this shit at all is because someone (sarah) did a half assed job with the catalog project in the first place. I don't want some other poor sod to have to do this again in six months.

Mostly because that poor sod would probabally be me anyway.

This weekend, I signed up for a new Colabritave project... Journ-proj. It seems really cool, and I'm excited. This is more along the lines of what I consider to be directly colabrative, as there will be a group of people working on one piece.

I'm feeling artistic already.

Well, this has been too long of a break, because the cuts on my hands are healing. Back to gluing envelopes. Have a good afternoon, and a wonderful tomorrow,

Love and adoration,


Written, Sunday, Jul. 06, 2003 at around: 8:52 PM

The weekend ends. Damn.

What an interesting day this turned out to be.

I had planned on cleaning my bathroom, trying on more of my clothes to see how they fit, and worrying about my boyfriend. Instead, I was invited out of my home to watch a movie by my friend Illy (who's in the glossary).

After explaining to her that I have no spendable money, she offered to buy my ticket. Yay! Awesomeness... Pisces people are so nice. So around 1:30, she came by with her little sister, Lisa, and off we went to the theater to see 28 Days Later.

Illy and I always manage to make a good (and very loud) time out of anything. On the way to the theater, we were bugging out, and laughing. Meanwhile, Lisa just kind of ignored us.

The movie was awesome. It's rare that any movie scares me, but this movie scared the shit out of me quite a few times. I loved this movie, because I left the theater shaking. The end wasn't scary or anything, it just freaked me out a little. I really can say nothing about the plot of this movie without really ruining it, and unlike the terminator, this was a really good film. I don't want to ruin it for everyone, but come on... this is me.

So yeah, there's this viral epidemic in England. It came from (As usual per a viral infection flick) monkies. Angry monkies! Grrr! Damn dirty apes.

Killing, death, and evacuation of town ensues.

Then this dude, Jim, wakes up from a mini-coma to find that there's no one in town. My question is, even if they evacutated town--- why were there no bodies in the streets? Seriously, man, if there's gonna be a bunch of death, please show me some. I guess it was easier not to pay scores of extras to lie all gooped up in makeup on the streets of london. Whatever.

The film was obviously shot with digital cameras, which kind of look shitty, but really play a huge part in the overall mood of the film. Trust me, Jason X was filmed using very expensive equipment, and it was still the worst movie I ever saw. These people saved some money on the equpment so they could afford to pay for the thousands of dollars in permits to shut down several metropolitan sections of England.

The entire movie feels quite dreamlike, and that makes it a little scarier, in my opinion. The scariest thing about movies like this is they give you the lingering possiblity that "This could happen!!" Other than that, there's a lot of jump-the-fuck-up-on-you scariness which had me say, "Oh shit!" aloud several times.

You know what pisses me off? The ending!! Not to give it all away, but I'm pissed the black girl dies. Serina, or whatever her name was, happened to be a very strong person. She was also gonna get it on with the white guy, which made me happy. You know how I roll. *laughs* It's a shame, because for once, I was really hoping that a black person would survive through a film, but no. They let the white people live.

Brittish fucks.

Anyway, it was a good movie. Go watch it. I might go watch it again, lol.

After we left the theater, Illy, Lisa and I headed to the Old Country Buffet. We ate a lot and laughed even more. By this point, Lisa was no longer ignoring us, but became a part of our laughter-fest. Illy and I got into an interesting conversation about astrology, 'cause she bought this book- Sexual Astrology, or somesuch. An awesome (and delightfully accurate, might I add) book. I found that a lot of my presumptions about the sexual attitudes of the Pisces male were quite correct. For sensitive, introverted people, they're some agressive people sexually. I read a book once that said "[Pisces males] are capible of thunderous lovemaking that novels are written about." Sign of the beaver indeed.


I also discovered an answer to one of my personal questions. Aquarian people have very sensitive legs, and ankles. Which is very true in my case. This book said that we enjoy sexual positions where our ankles and legs are being touched. True! That, and several other things were so true, that as I read the book I said, "Oh my god! That's TRUE!" a couple of times. That was fun. Well, that's fun. I haven't been particuarly open sexually in a minute (read: Years, lol). That's because it takes me ages to open up physically *another thing the book states... us aquarians are either really slow, or just outright sluts*

Okay, enough talking about sex. Let me stop before I start getting into detail. :-)

After having *detailed?* conversations about sex with Illy and her little sister, (Did I just write that sentance?)Illy gave me a present! Yay! :-D It's so fucking awesome.

She bought me a Hello Kitty "What's your sign" card game. It sounds really gay (which it is) but it's fun, and the cards are so cute!! I must play this game with as many people as possible. If you're reading this, you're one of those possible people, lol. Maybe that'll be my blogathon gimmick. I'll buy myself that digital camera I've been wanting, and post pictures of presents that people have given me. That sounds lame, but it'd be fun for me.

Do I have 48 gifts? Hmmm... I have to think about it.

Anyway, we opened up the hello kitty card game, and played for quite a while. Oh... did I mention we didn't leave Old Country Buffet? Yeah... we spent about two hours laughing, playing cards, eating desserts and drinking iced tea. Two hours.

After those two hours were over,

WOA-- Intermission... why the hell is Phonebooth already on DVD?? Well, it will be, come tuesday. I guess From Justin To Kelly came out on thursday. LOL, which means that Justin will be coming out on friday. Heh.

Anyway, after the two hours of giggling and hello kitty rummy ended, Lisa, Ileana and I headed back to my apartment, where we spent another two hours singing karaoke. Poorly. It was fun. I recorded it.

One word:

I doubt there'll ever be a need to blackmail Ileana, but her sister... I don't know-- she's a gemini. It's good to have some dirt on them every now and again. Even if she's only 14.

Well, I'm going to go. Have a great remainder to your 4 day weekend, and a lovely day tomorrow.

Love and adoration,


Written, Sunday, Jul. 06, 2003 at around: 1:15 AM

a long walk on a short block? I don't know.


To be honest, I opened this page with no idea of what I was going to write about. Yes, this is going to be one of "Those" entries.

I didn't do anything too exciting today. I spoke to my mom and crazian john, text messaged frank, and ended up taking a walk in the afternoon. Before I got out of South Philly I ran into Ali and her Snuggles, *snort* Brett. They're awesome people, and I should hang out with them more often. I spoke with them until their food was all done, so I went on with my walk.

Most of us assholes spend our entire lives taking so many beautiful things for granted. I'm an asshole just like everyone else, so I fall victim to this all the time. Today, the world just felt so beautiful, and it was nice to take a little bit of time to be sensitive to the world outside of my livingroom and PC. The trees, sky, and air were so lovely while I took that walk. It was awesome. I'm not a huge fan of being out in the sunlight, but I do love the out-of-doors. Trees and the sort get me all warm and fuzzy.

So the walk ended up with me walking from my apartment here in south philly all the way to the waterfront on the other side of town. They were blowing up the leftover fireworks today, and I watched that. It was only like a 10 minute show, but they were really pretty too.

I need to stop being cheap and buy myself a camera.

After walking (at a really fast pace too!) my legs hurt. My legs have been bothering me a lot lately, craming and all. Hopefully this is just a phase. A really long phase, lol.

Well, I hate to make this one an abrupt one (I would like to write more, but I'm beat) but it's bedtime. Have a great evening, and an even better tomorrow.

Love and adoration,


Written, Saturday, Jul. 05, 2003 at around: 5:08 AM

Another holdiay is over.

Hey there,

It was the fourth of July eariler, and whatnot. It's over now. I didn't do anything all day long except watch TV, fart around on the internet, clean my living room, and otherwise avoid the sunlight.

Yup, I'm so exciting sometimes, it's scary.

In the past two years, some amazing people have crossed paths with me. If you're a regular reader, you know who they are, and may very well be one of them. Earlier, as I was thinking about the fact that sleep hasn't hit me yet, I found myself reflecting upon friendship.

Friendship is uber-important to me, and sometimes I don't realize that until something just makes me smile. Today Jay (Who's in my glossary as Jason) made me smile. I was having a normal conversation with the guy online. Chatting it up about Terminator 3, and why he isn't sleeping well (which seems to be a problem amongst the guys I know) he said to me, "pam ur a good friend, u know that? u and frank and all u guys." To this I responded a rousing, "Awwwww!"

Yay, Jay!

That's so damn awesome. I love that kind of stuff. Seriously.

Speaking of things I love, Frank came by today. -wow, that wasn't so subtle, was it? I'm losing my touch. lol- Anyhow, he came over, and we played video games, *ahem*, and watched the lord of the rings: two towers. I don't know how he does it, but Frank can make anything funny.

I shit you not.

We're watching two towers for what's like probablly the three bajillionth time for both of us. Welll... it's the same damn movie, with the same damn lines every time. DVD's are like that. (Yes, we have two towers on dvd, and have had two towers on dvd for quite a while, who wants to touch us? I said who wants to fuckin' touch us!! lol)

Frank has what has to be the best memory placed in a human brain ever, because he knows EVERY line in the movie by heart. That's a three fucking hour movie, guys. (a three hour tour, a three hour tour) Often, he'll just start spouting out lines from the movie, which just amazes me anyway, but today there was a bonus. Free with every movie line, was pig lattin. I'm serious.

That would certianlly be among his best work. He did the voices for all the characters and everything, which had me cracking the fuck up.

Yay, Frank!

Other than that, well, there isn't anything other than that, in regards to my 4th of july. Thank goodness it's over. Back to a normal weekend.

Yay, weekend!

Well, I'm going to go and pretend like I ought to be sleeping. Have a good... um... morning? And an even better remainder to your day, lol.

Love and adoration and whatnot,


Written, Thursday, Jul. 03, 2003 at around: 7:13 PM

Pre-fourth of july stuff including BLOGATHON!


I'm stupid.

Why am I stupid? this is why.

Yeah, I'm participating in the 2003 blogathon. Jesus christ, I'm getting those sleep deprevation pains already.

Okay, let me explain this to you. Last year, while surfing the net, and looking for ways to help save the world, I came accross this website... well... this website to be specific. It's all about doing the good thing, and helping out your fellow non-profit orginazation. Hip hip horray!

It's a nifty little thing, and I haven't quite thought of a gimmick yet. I'm pretty sure that I'm still going to invite everyone I know over to my apartment. Well... not everyone, because that'd be a little weird. I'll invite most of my friends over-- and that'll make for a fun time. They can help me stay awake, lol.

I'll buy some grub, and with the mood I've been in, I might even cook some food. Wow.

Anyway, if you want information about my cause this year or what the fuck the blogathon is anyway, just follow this link right here and you'll get the details. I've also happily linked to that page on the left hand side of my layout. Yay!

Otherwise, updatness... yes. I've been busy for the past couple of days at work. This is good, this is happy. My boss, Bill, is also on vacation. He'll be gone well until the 14th or so. This'll make the next week an interesting one.

Sarah (she's one of my favorite co-workers... go read my glossary) and I had a fun conversation today. It was about being bitchy. We decided that it's important to be a bitch every now and again. Especially when rules are involved. We both like being able to tell customers on the phone, "No."

That's funny, because as a little kid, I never went through that, "No" phase. I just did as I was told, and was a pretty easy kid to deal with. Now as an adult, I want to tell strangers no all the time. Plus, I say, "No," jokingly in conversation. A lot.

Frank came to visit me yesterday. Yay! We watched terminator 2 and he ate some of the not-better-than-sex-but-close cake. Sometimes, when I get into those moods where I'm like, "Fuck everyone, just let me be alone," it's so nice to have his company. Frank reminds me of why I like people.

*insert Awwww*

Yeah. I know.

Tomorrow is the 4th of July. Ugh. It's another one of those "Shouldn't I be doing something better with myself," holidays. I like to eat barbeque and everything, but I'm pretty sure that I don't have any plans for tomorrow. Meh. It's the exciting rollercoaster that is my life. Oh yeah, you can let go of the bars and scream now. Ahh.


Okay, I have some french fries in my freezer, and I'm gonna eat 'em. Yum!

Love and adoration,


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