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Written, Friday, Feb. 15, 2002 at around: 4:03 PM

i'm a gonna cosplay

Well then, here goes something.

It's the day after v-day and whatnot. I never spell it out, because honestly I have trouble spelling it. Much like dress-up-and-go-door-to-door-for-free-candy day. Ah, well, sorta like that. But that's why god made the spell checker, child! Well, I'm trying to avoid using the spell checker, because it's an unnessasary step. But then again, without spell checkers, people would think that I was quite the ignorant twit. Ha.

Anyway, on with the beginning of v-day. A week ago I thought today would be very depressing. Glenn came back. Yeah, he suddenly decided that he wasn't upset with me anymore. Perhaps I pissed him off because I thought he squandered my money that I trusted him with. Eh, whatever. I love him, and I trust him. My phone company has stopped hurrassing me, so it's okay. Well good for me, right?

Anyway, I've been stalling for long enough. I'm going to go search for cosplay outfits. Oh hell yeah. I don't own a sewing machine, so It'll be a while until I'm all about trying to create an outfit. Most of the stuff I want to wear can be bought in a store anyway. Who cares.

Ah, I'm tired of being at work. I'm going the fuck home.



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