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Written, Monday, Jun. 10, 2002 at around: 8:56 AM

What a weekend!

Ah, a new week begins.

I have some interesting stuff to talk about today. Whoo boy. What a week. This will be a long entery. I need to vent.

Well, I still have not had sex in a longer amount of time than I thought I would ever last. No, let me reprhase that-- I haven't had sex in a longer amount of time than I ever imagined I'd have to go. Thank the gods for vibrating plastic! I've been advocating masturbation from the privacy of my own home, and now on the world wide web! If you aren't happy, you probabaly need to masturbate. *insert my smiling face and me pointing into the camera, winking* But yeah, I've been doing my best to get the most out of my so-called "dry spell."

I also know that I'm not an addict because I haven't taken any of my male friends (who I'd rather keep as just friends ie: Keyman, Crazian John, the karaoke dudes Bowe & Christian-- people with peinuses generally) up on any sexual invites. Even John (crazian John) jokingly ( ? ) propisitioned me. Good lord, am I that desirable?

I mean I'm good looking and everything, and according to the guys I hang around with, I have a nice body (and a big ol' ass) but this has been a great ego boost. I never realized exactaly how cool being single is. Everyone wants to sleep with you, meaning that everyone will be really nice to you. And if you keep turning them down in a friendly way, then they'll keep coming back to be nice to you. I love being female. I would never trade my stuff in excahange for a pee-pee.

But yeah, as of last week I've been unbearably horney. Like crazy man. It's 8am right now and I'm feeling a little weak do to dehydration, if you know what I mean. I think I haven't been able to shake this feeling due to Frank. Yes it's all his fault.

Taking a much needed vacation, Frank excaped to the American Playground - Los Vegas. So, I did my best last week to try to focus on other things, and other people. Before he left, he was showing about a moderate interest, and I was getting a bit antsy. I'm completley attracted to him, I know I've expressed this in previous entries, so I won't go into detail about how cute I think his smile is or how sexy he looks when he actually wears his glasses. So anyway, he went away last week, and I did my best to try and focus on being single. I mean, I'm not his girlfriend or anything, so I shouldn't feel a need to devote myself to him or something drastic like that. Or at least that's what Crazian John was encouraging me to think.

So I did what I would naturally do. I left this very sweet voicemail (Everyone who's heard me repeat it out loud has gone: "Aww!") on his cellular phone while he was away. I said something to the effect of:

"Hi Frank! Woa, nice away message. *laugh* I just wanted to leave you a voicemail because I didn't get to give you a decent goodbye when you left, and that stuff is kind of important to me. I also wanted to let you know that you should be fine on the plane. I've flown since September 11th and my flight was fine, and safe. More importantly, I wanted to let you know that while you're away, I'll be thinking about you. Okay, this message has gotten way too mushy. I'll see you when you get back! Bye!"

Yeeeeeah. So I left that voicemail on the cellular phone of the guy who I'm not dating, not kissing, and who is currently in a relationship. I really like him a lot. See, while he was away, I did a fairly good job of attempting to push myself away from him a little bit, because I was somewhat frustrated about the entire situation. Him and the girlfriend that he seems to never spend time with. Me and my obvious attraction to him. Him and his obvious attraction to me. Well, okay, seems simple to me. Sadly it's never as simple as the aquarius makes it.

I needed a distraction, because I was spending way too much time at Game Stop, and I wanted to see some sexy people, and perhaps flirt with them. So, I went out with Keyman and Rika (don't know who the hell these people are? Read my Glossary) on Friday night to reassure myself that I'm a pretty girl and if I go out people will speak to me like the hot piece of ass I am. It kind of sucked. Like, I had a good time and everything, but every time I go out with keyman, I have terrible luck with guys, because they all think he's my boyfriend. Things couldn't be further from the truth. I'm sure Keyman's in love with me, but you know what? I'm really in the process of not giving a damn. He's a fun guy to hang with, but if I had to be his girlfriend, I'd kill him. Okay, let me simplify him for you-- Keyman = Man slut. 'Nuff said.

We went out, and had some fun at a club called Chrome. I danced (poorly) in shoes that didn't fit me, so I ended up dancing (poorly) barefoot. I can dance pretty well to hip-hop music, but I can't dance to techno for shit.

On a completely side note-- I was told by about 3 people this week that I should become a stripper. Maybe Samantha was right. I could quit my job and shake my ass for a living. Ha! Let us just put that into the "Ain't gonna happen" pile.

But yeah, I danced, and my ankles still hurt.

Then on Saturday night, I got this text message on my Cellular phone. It was Frank. I was all like, "cool!" So we message back and forth, and lo and behold-- I decided to call him. We spoke for a couple hours about his trip (I have so gotta go to Las Vegas!) and the conversation suddenly took a left turn at Normal IA, and headed straight on for Intercourse PA. I had a conversation, mostly surruonding sexual topics, for about two hours, with a guy who has a girlfriend. If he didn't have a girlfriend, I would have run down to 7-11, bought some condoms and we would have been... Well, I can't think of a witty subsitute for "Fucking," right now. You get me.

Okay, this will be my last paragraph for this entery. I don't have much to say other than, this will be a very interesting summer.

My love and adoration couldn't be enough for you, as you deserve that and so much more!


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