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Written, Friday, Oct. 10, 2003 at around: 12:50 PM

jumbled brains


Today has just been quite the fucked up ass day.

It started off with classic earmarks of a shitty day-- spilling coffee on myself, not being able to get anything accomplished, and a generally shitty emotion running through my veins.

Then my boss offers me a better paying job with responsiblities I'd like much better.

c'est la vie!!

So, I'm way excited about seen some movies-- Kill bill, and LOTR Trillogy Tuesday. Fucking right. Depending on if my friends can organize their thoughts into one borg-like community, we might see kill bill tonight, although I doubt it'll happen the way things seem as of right now.

Everyone is retarded.

I have so much work that just isn't getting done, because these people aren't responding. It sucks. I hate people, I hate the forms industry, and I lothe assholes who don't reply to my correspondance.

'cept my friends of course, because I like them anyway.

Okay, sorry to cut this one short but I have to send out like, a billion emails, and send a thousand faxes and get blisters on me fingers before I'm mauled by a tiger, and maybe the tiger will want a drink, so I'll get him a pint, and he'll say "IT WAS A CHICK!" and I'll slap the tiger for being inapropriate on his cell phone, or something.

Love and adoration,


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*HUGS* TOTAL! give miabogard more *HUGS*
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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?