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Written, October 01, 2001 at around: 2:06 PM

Jessica Hino's diary

Well, I have had a lot of time on my hands lately, so I thought that now would be a better time than any to actually put a diary down on paper. I don't trust my family enough to write down my personal thoughts when I'm around them, so now I'll just write it here. Who would have ever thought that paper really was so expensive back then, huh?

I've never had a diary before, so I suppose I'll start with the basics... My name is Jessica Hino, My birthday is April seventh, 1996 (I'm an Aires! Woo!) I'm 18 years old, my favorite color is burnt orange, and I'm stuck in a magical book with my cousin, her brother and perhaps one of the most annoying people on earth. My friend Cindy. Yeah she's my friend. I don't quite know how that happened, but she's my friend. I would really prefer if she was like a telephone friend. Someone who I didn't have to travel with, but I suppose I can deal with it. She's pretty cool every now and then.

Well, I ought to explain my current situation. I don't know exactly why I'd bother, because I don't want anyone to read this. Why do people write diaries anyway?? Well, I'm not your normal 18-year-old girl. My dad owns a multi trillion-dollar organization, I have almost every skill you could think of, and I currently have 8 pokeballs on my hip. I'm currently in a magical book. Yes, I did, in fact say I'm in a magical book. I was reading the same story that my cousin had been pulled into not too long ago, and now here I am!

This story is set in ancient china, and it's actually very lifelike. Everything here is real. I smell the freshly cooked food, I can feel the rain on my face, and I can see the thousands of trees in the forests around us. I really like it here. Everything is fresh and clean. All the people are rather friendly, and you can easily get most places on foot. It's like living inside of a role-playing adventure. My cousin, Mia, doesn't exactly see things the same way I do. She thinks that being here is torture. Her little brother, Evan, brought her here for fun. He's having a great time, and has already accomplished his goal. That goal was simply for him to find seven individuals with magic characters somewhere on their bodies. They are the Senshi of Kame. My younger cousin, Evan has already found each of his seven senshi, but my older cousin, Mia hasn't found all of them yet. In fact I've found more of them then she has. Each of these people was born to protect my cousins for all costs, because my cousins are the chosen priest and priestess of the god Kame. Kame is more powerful than any other god that this world has ever dealt with. So powerful that sometimes I even feel it.

I just wish Mia would start feeling it. She's been hum-drumming it since she got here, and she refuses to get off of her ass and do some work for herself. She's been sheltered since she was a little kid, and coming from a rich kid like me, that says something big. I just want to see Mia accomplish something on her own, but she hasn't been able to do much without my help. I'm even starting to get close to her senshi. Closer than she's really bothered to get.... Really close.

Mia and I have always competed over everything. We left no stone unturned, toys, school, our father's attention, our neighbors attention, and more than anything, boys. Most of the time, I end up winning because I'm much more likely to take a chance or a risk. Now I think it's just my personality. I've done more work towards finding Mia's senshi than Mia has, and it really ticks me off. I wish she would just open up her eyes and look at what she's doing! She's letting a group of people that were born to follow her disband and leave her in the cold. It's so horrible it makes me want to cry and scream. Perhaps one day she'll see the err of her ways, but right about now I want to smack the shit out of her. I just want to cry and let these frustrations out, but I can't cry right now. I have to be strong for everyone in the group, because if I'm not strong, the entire group will fall to pieces.

The past couple of days have really been an emotional roller coaster for me. Besides all of the stressful stuff that I've been going through with Mia, I've been inching closer and closer to falling in love. I met the coolest guy ever. I must sound so stupid. Nekko is a really cool guy. He's a healer.... And when I say that I don�t mean a doctor or anything, although he could be if he really wanted to... And he should be. I mean that he's a healer like magic and powers using healer. He's amazing. Every time I talk to him, its like he completely understands me and we have this connection. It's almost like we were destined to meet each other... He's charming, funny and even a little bit shy. That's so adorable. Even when I was growing up I liked shy guys. There must be something wrong with me because I'm so VERY outgoing. Maybe a part of me just lives to bring people out of their shell. But nonetheless, Nekko is terribly cute, and he is a very sweet guy. He�s the type of guy that I would like to date, and get to know everything about. He hides enough about himself to always be interesting. He�s also a bit of a pervert. That�s fine though, because truth be told, I�m a bit of a pervert too.

It�s really strange. I�m referring to the relationship that the two of us share. I think we�ve spent all 2 days with each other all together, but somehow we manage to know that we care about each other. When I found out that he had left the group I just got so sad. I felt depressed and my body began to ache. I didn�t know what I was supposed to do. He had become the main reason that I had any amount of hope left for the group. I knew that he�d stick around because he cared about me, but when he left I just felt like it was all Mia�s fault. She made everything wrong. Her lack of confidence was ruining my first real relationship. I really felt like there wasn�t anything left for me to do but give up. Nekko had left, but not because of Mia. He was helping another one of the Senshi go back home. She was frightened, and didn�t� t know which way was up outside of her town. So he had begun walking her back to her town. I figured that he had left because of a greater reason, but my heart just couldn�t take it. I did a lot of crying last week� and that was one of the reasons. Nekko is somehow a very spectacular person in that sick little mind of his.

The first day that I met him, we talked for about 4 hours straight. It was amazing. I don't know how we found common things to talk about. I mean, I'm from 21rst century Japan and he's from 2nd century china. It's all kind of weird. We spent a ton of time together, just talking about everything. I talked about me, he talked about himself, and we just enjoyed it. Amusingly enough, after our conversation I ended up standing in my room in only my underwear right in front of him. He didn't touch me or anything, I was just proving a point. He thought I might have been a senshi or something. So I told him he could examine my body for a mark. I didn't really mind, I mean, it's the same body I've always had, you know? Then we talked some more, and it got late so I got ready for bed. He got washed up and so did I, and somehow he made his way into my bed. Then we just slept toghether. That's all we did, was sleep. We kind of cuddled, and it was so delightful. I was enjoying every minute of having his arm around me. He wasn't trying to grope me either; it was just a pure, outright hug. I was so happy! Yeah, I'm corny. He really seems to like me though, and I'm really scared about that, because I know how this story works. Even though I'm not supposed to be the main character in the story, I'll fall for one of the guys in here and I won't be able to be with him, because these two realities can't coincide for long. But at this moment that's the least of my troubles.

I've also made a deep emotional connection with another of Mia's senshi. His name is Kirryu and he's a natural playboy. His powers have to do with emotions and sex, and just plain turning women on. At first I was a little scared about even being around him. I found him very dangerous, because he was so extremely flirtatious. He would probably eat me alive� in more ways than one. I have so much pent up sexual frustration, that I might have just raped the guy. Well, maybe not that, but I really didn't want to get involved with the guy just because he was sexy. Even the air that this man exhales is sexy. I mean this is a guy who unconsciously flirts. He's incredibly handsome, he smells terrific, and he just reeks of the personality that would just be dying to use a girl if the opportunity came along. Mia totally tripped, faltered, and very quickly fell to his prowess and sexy demeanor. She slept with him within one hour of knowing him. I never would have thought she'd do something like that. Ever. Mia has always been this holy saint of virginity to me. It's rather pathetic, actually. I thought she was going to be a virgin until marriage. Obviously I was wrong. I hope her dad doesn't find out about this, because he'll be ready to kill someone.

And amidst all this, I somehow found myself in Kirryu's arms. It was right after the sixth of Mia's senshi decided that he was going to leave. I had been talking to him for almost a half an hour, and had this guy to the point where he trusted me. Then he just disappeared. I was devastated, to say the least. I started crying and here comes Kirryu to the rescue! He and Aki (a very strong member of our group, literally) came dashing in, and I was in tears. I just turned around and put my face in Kirru's chest, because it seemed so much safer on his shirt then anywhere else at the moment. The entire world was crashing down on me, and I must have lost what little control I had on the world at that very moment. When I closed my eyes and began drenching his shirt with my tears of frustration, I almost felt at peace. I don't know if it had anything to do with his powers, or maybe it was just my need to be comforted, but I was calm.

I felt like such a dork afterwards, I just cried into the chest of one of the people that I'm supposedly leading, and is supposed to believe that I'm strong. He didn't seem to mind at all though. I thought he was lying at first, but then I realized that, no, he really didn't mind. That's when I started thinking that he was something else behind that whole playboy face of his. He later saw me in the middle of town and he said that I looked sick, and checked my face. I totally thought that he was flirting with me so I made some snide remark. He argued that he wasn't flirting and he proceeded to "show" me what flirting was. Damn he's sexy. I almost melted down to the ground while he was talking to me. Yeah, okay, there's a huge difference between Kirryu just being Kirryu and Kirryu being flirtatious. He asked me if I wanted to have a back massage, and I really wanted one. So he invited me to his room to get a massage. Oh my god. He stimulated my body without even really touching me in a sexual manner. It was a really strange experience.

The best part of the massage wasn't even the massage. It was getting to know Kirryu. He's not just some horn dog who thinks about sex all the time, but he's a loving individual who really cares about everyone, especially women. He told me about his father, who passed away and about how he wants to raise a family. I actually found myself talking about me a lot too. It was interesting, because the only other person that I've talked to about me since I�ve landed in this world has been Nekko. Not only that, but I brought up Nekko a couple of times during our conversation. I didn�t even really do it on purpose. I hope that I didn�t hurt Kirryu�s feelings, because I want him to know that I want to be his friend, but that� s kind of hard when you spend every other minute thinking about another guy. It�s not even that he has anything to be jealous about. I don't really have a defined relationship with either of them, and I think that's the main problem. Michiru San told me when I was young that I should never fall in love with two men at once, and I think I've done it. The way things stand; I could have had sex with Kirryu. That would have just made things way worse. I would have lost my virginity to a guy I was just getting to know, but I really knew that I had fell for Nekko� That was until we finished talking and Kirryu started falling asleep. I told him what a great guy I thought he was, and as he fell asleep he mumbled something about �well if I�m so great, then why did I fall for another man�s woman?� I could have just died. This amazing man had fallen for little ol' me. He did mention something like, �temptation is a double edged sword.� At first I thought he was just joking around, but he sounded pretty serious.

I had told him that I found him to be very tempting, and that�s why I thought he was so dangerous. Then he brought up the whole double-edged sword thing, and I thought he was only being flattering, because I was pretty flattered. Then I sort of brought it out of him. He really had fallen for me. He had fallen so bad that it made him cry, although I don�t think that he�s aware that I noticed him cry. I can only imagine the feelings going through his mind right now. My confusion couldn�t possibly compare to his, because he�s never really been loved. The person that he is deep inside has never been cared for, and now that I�ve come along, he doesn�t know how to feel. He must be pretty heartbroken, and I don�t know what to do either, because I am beginning to like him for him, but I also know that I have totally fallen for Nekko as well. That's why I started thinking that I might be the priestess of Kame.

Yeah I know it�s rather bold of me to presume that I�m the priestess, but everything is leading directly to that. My being able to lead our group, and the fact that everyone follows me. As well as the fact that everyone of the senshi pretty much stays within the group because I�m here. I could be the Miko! That would change everything completely. I would be able to directly show Mia what a person is supposed to do when they lead a group of people.

I�m not sure where life for me is going to go from here, because things seem to change more quickly here than they do in real life. I�ve fallen for two guys, Mia lost her virginity, Evan is becoming a man and Cindy is learning to rely on a group. Well, maybe she isn�t but it seems that way. Hopefully everything will work out, and Mia will be the Miko that she was destined to be. I really hope so.



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