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Written, Monday, Aug. 25, 2003 at around: 1:32 PM

It tastes like scrumptiousness!

Hello everyone!

A quick note (I haven't time for the saturday-sunday update yet. I prommise that'll get written before the end of the day.)

Pepsi Vanilla is my new favorite soft drink.

I tried it on Friday... it's so goddamn good! It doesn't scream vanilla in my mouth like Vanilla Coke, which is a horrible thing to do to your mouth. This is the first new Pepsi-Beverage I've enjoyed since the dearly departed Crystal Pepsi: Six pack The myth of crystal pepsi.

Do any of you remember Crystal Pepsi!?! It was such an excelent drink. I miss it so much, dude. Now Pepsi Vanilla, which kicks Vanilla Coke's ass, is taking a warm spot in Crystal Pepsi's place.

A samiling of Pepsi Vanilla while at K-mart totally hooked me. The Vanilla flavor is far from overwhelming, and gives a nice boost to pepsi's already sweet flavor. I think they toned the cola flavor down a smidgen to leave room for there to be a cooling aftertaste of vanilla with each sip. They only have Diet Vanilla pepsi downstairs, which pisses me off, because the women who drink diet sodas are obviously not as serious about their soda drinking as I am.

I usually stray away from drinking cola every day, but I'll be damned if I didn't buy 2 liters of Vanilla pepsi last night.

I am looking forward to going home and sipping some of that down in my newly cleaned apartment.

Okay, real update later,

Love and adoration,


Written, Monday, Aug. 25, 2003 at around: 12:27 PM

Scratching the weekend itches, part one.

Hey everyone,

Thanks for asking- My weekend was very calm, relaxing, and fufilling.

I ate that chocolate cake that I like so much (and wanted so badly) and had a lot of fun with Frank. I laid in the park on Saturday Morning and got the sun on my face. Saturday afternoon I went to New York to chill (Something I�ve been dying to do), and ended up hanging with Monica and her man, who she refers to as A in her journal (so that�s what I�ma call him online too). Then sunday I cleaned, hung out with frank for a while, watched tv, and hung with Trice.

Okay, Friday was weird. I hung out with my mom, �casue she wasn�t feeling well, and she sounded really lonely when she asked me to pick up the car. Plus, I needed to buy new sneakers, and didn�t really want to take the bus to buy sneakers. Hanging with mom was kind of alright. She can be very nice when not being crazy. It�s interesting, because at times, mom can be the very nicest person to walk the earth, and other times I want to scream at her like a banshee. So conflicted!

So conflicted right now. My mom got me so conflicted right now.

I got the luxury of driving from work to South Philly (where I bought new sneakers which I�m totally in love with; they�re bright white nikes! I haven�t had a new pair of nikes in almost a year!!) to Norristown so she could get a flea collar for her kitten, Mister Cat, who�s in the glossary. (Yes I put some pets in the glossary.) That�s a good 45 minute drive. I kinda didn�t want to drive quite so far, as I was looking forward to hanging with Frank. So instead of letting me figure out how to get to a petstore in a closer vacnity, she was... well, mom. I only complained for a little while, because I don�t get to drive so often. It�s fun being a passenger and looking at the scenery, but driving is twice as awsome. Driving really calms me.

While buying cat supplies with mom, and relinquishing the keys for the ride home (She likes to drive too), Frank, Mister Boyfriend, gave me a buzz on the cellular. I called him, we got ready for rollin� out, snycronized our watches, and got ready to break.There was an outing to Best Buy and the Casual Dining Resturant/Diner (home of the Chocolate Cake of Insta-orgasam ), to be had!

That was fun, and relaxing... I remember laughing a whole lot... mostly at Frank�s Stewie impressions (see picture in upper left hand corner). He�d seen some episodes of Family Guy that aren�t on the DVD set, and was telling me what happened. Since he�s an excelent story teller, and I have a seriously photograpic imagination it was totally fun listening to him re-tell the tv show. I�m now tickled so by refrences to a program I�ve never seen. He�s so good at doing voices and just generally being funny. Combined with his deliciously sick sense of humor, the stuff he does with the voices he does is the best. The best. I love to laugh, and he�s always cracking me up. Well, not always... if that were the case, that�d be really bizzare... The point is he�s a very funny man.

Oh wow-- In order to get from Best Buy to the Casual Dining Diner, Frank has to drive through this beautiful little suburban neigborhood. It�s so pretty there at night. The houses are so lovely with their impeccible lawns, meticuoulsly trimmed hedges, single electric candle-lights in each window, and seasonal wreaths on their doors. The scores of surplus trees in the suburbs of south Jersey give the neigborhoods a very wooded feel, like they�re completley seperated from the highway, malls, and racetrack five minutes away. It even smells like the park, or a campground when driving through with the fresh air of the south Jersey Suburbs.

It really is the �Garden State.�

It�s weird, because earlier in the day, while driving mom�s car, I drove through the western suburbs of Philadelphia, and it�s beautiful there too, just not quite as wooded. When I was with frank in jersey and even driving mom�s car through Plymouth Meeting and Norristown, I was in awe, and almost ashamed of where I live. I felt so urban, and ruined by the years that I�ve lived in a big city. Although I enjoy city life, it�s not so fantastic and irriplaceable that I wouldn�t happily abandon it for a sizable house with a yard that can accomodate a swing set. The city is so devoid of nature. You know ... like trees. Even though I love malls, 24-hour supermarkets, and cheesesteaks at midnight, I reallly love the way sunlight scatters through leaves, and warms my face gently on an otherwise cool day. My entire body has been spoiled by the surroundings it�s in from day to day- the ambiant evening light that clouds my eyes from the stars, the random bits of litter in the few parks that struggle to survive- the drunken imbeciles that come to my neighborhood and roll blunts on my steps, litter in my street, and alltogether give people like me a reason to hate their neighborhoods... I�m spoiled, and dirty. But those suburbs are so refreshingly different.

Nature is everywhere round� Jersey�s �burbs. So much, in fact, that a motherfucking oppossum was crossing the street as we drove by. A fucking oppossum! I wanna live in a neigborhood where there�s wildlife, lawns, and yards with trees. I want to have a place to live where I don� t have to kinda worry about going outside to just look at the stars. I want to live in a neighborhood where people actually use the word community when refering to where they live. Frank told me about how there�s a Harvest Festival around where he lives. How heartwarming is that? It sounds so earthy and down-home American. A bunch of local people get together to sell their wares; fruits, pies, and home-made crafts. That just gives me a good feeling.

That�s why I�ve got to keep cleaning up my damn credit. I�m getting one! (Ala pippin... Three parts to Lord of the Rings.... there�s two towers, On dvd in one more day!)

After a rousing drive through the burbs, we hit the resturant. Our waitress at the resturant was also an addict of the almost-better-than-sex-cake, and sold us a half a cake. OH MY GOD... we shared a slice of cake while at the diner, and they have this add-on where you can get a scoop of vanilla ice cream for 99 cents. Dude, that fucking cake is delicious without anything being added to it, but I seriously believe that I creamed my pants eating it and Bryers Vanilla Bean ice cream simotaneously. Tasting the cake and the ice cream is something I�m glad I shared with frank, as no other human would believe me if I were to explain this without a co-cake consumer. Jesus fucking Christ, nothing should taste that good.

Who am I kidding? That cake is SO fucking awesome.

After food, Frank and I came back to my joint, and we watched Snatch (one of the movies I picked up at best buy.) Then, we wrestled, and fought, and *ahem* for a couple hours. It was good excersize and was too fun to describe right now, because I'm hungry for some lunch.

Okay, lunchtime is now, so I'm gonna grab food. I'll update about the remainder of the weekend later.

Love and adoration,


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