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Written, Monday, Aug. 25, 2003 at around: 11:11 PM

Mmmm... Snatch


There's one problem witn Pepsi Vanilla.

It has caffiene in it.

I've been drinking soda and eating chocolate cake since I got home, and now I'm feeling the side effects of sugar, caffiene and .... hooo boy, I'm not gonna go to sleep tonight.

At lunch today, I spent a good 20 of my 45 minutes outside, drawing. Art is so wonderful. Relaxing, calming. I needed that because I'm mildly stressed at the moment.

But not terribly stressed, as I've spent the past few hours watching Brad Pitt get his ass kicked in multiple films. Fight Club and Snatch. Well, I didn't really watch Fight Club, so much as I looked at the DVD case, and considered watching it.

Brad Pitt is quite a delicous man, and the irish-ish accent that he sports in Snatch is almost as tasty. Frank does the Pikey accent really well. -Makes my nipples stand up and say, "Who's gonna stop us from poppin' up? Zee Germans?"

Heh... Yes, London.

Well, I'll be damned. I do have a zoom feature on my X-box. The X-box truly is superior to the PS2. That's awesome.

Okay, I'm gonna go now. Talk to you guys tomorrow.

Written, Monday, Aug. 25, 2003 at around: 4:56 PM

Scratching the weekend itch, part dux


Okay, okay. This job isn�t terrible. There was praise pushed my way this morning (even after I fucked up a fax broadcast on thursday...), and I�m apperently handilng a workload that a lot of other people can�t handle. I don�t feel important, but obviously my boss likes telling me I am. That�s very nice of him. Boosting my ego isn�t required, but it makes me feel good.

I just looked at my

last entry, with the pepsi vanilla image on it, and it felt like I was looking at a commercial site. The red borders, white background and white text felt very much like I was reading news. Weird.

It�s four somethin�, and I�m slacking on purpose. I have time to slack, by my procrastination schedule, so I�m taking advatage of it, because I have a serious feeling that the next week is going to be uber-productive, even if I like it or not.

Today is the first day in a long time that I�ve worn a free game-stop polo shirt, jeans and sneakers out of the house for a period longer than 15 minutes. I didn�t realize how extremely casual I looked until I got here. There�s nothing wrong with that, but I�ve been dressing up a lot this summer, and enjoying it.

You can stop weezing for a breath, I really did enjoy my summer of wearing dresses. It�s a fact. It�s nice to feel pretty ever now and again, and I think I�m going to do that on purpose a lot more often. Yeah, I am concited (just a little...) but it�s nice to get compliments every once and a while.

I�ve been feeling very reflective today, and I�m enjoying it. The calm seven days that I just expereinced have really helped my wigged-out nerves selttle a little, and my brain has settled back into place.

That means it�s time for some ass kicking, mother fucking, Just-because-I�m-not-a-rican-doesn�t-mean-I-can�t-get-down kara-fucking-oke. Yeah, Allison and I are doing karaoke tomorrow. Other people from the Gabi Compund are invited, but I doubt they�ll go. That�s fine, I don�t care who goes, just as long as I get to sing. I didn�t sing (Excluding a weak excuse for practice) last week, that bums me out a little.

But there will be karaokeocity tomorrow. Awww, yeah. I�d like to sing �Asshole,� by dennis leary tomorrow. That�d be very fun. Frank said he might come and perhaps invite Darrell. Deep down inside I really want darrell to come back to karaoke. Last time, he had a good time... around girls... and he needs to do that more often. More guys I know need to spend time around girls who aren�t me. Not that I don�t like them, but I�m taken.

New York was fun, saturday. I had tried to grab a hold of Boyfriend de la Never seen NYC, but to no avail, so I went at The City alone. I called Monica to find out what she was up to, and the answer was �Nothing really,� so up up up I went to hang out with Monica and her man, A.

It was a fun, albeit brief, trip. We went to Queens, and ate at a lovely little pub with beautiful tables, and a waitress who was off-the-boat Irish. Her accent was a crisp combination of Irish and Noo Yawka. She was really irish too-- she had fair hair, interesting teeth and everything. We ate delicious bread, and Moncia introduced me to Fermented Cider, which looks like beer but tastes good. That�s awesome, because I hate beer, but I sometimes I�d like to fake like I�m drinking beer with the cool people... the stuff pretty much tastes like apples. �They don�t taste like apples!� Well, brat, put your cereal in this.

Moving on...

They served an excelent cup of new england clam chowder, which had lots of potatoes in it. The sheppards pie was okay- I�ve made better, but it tasted great to my hungry body. All that with a fancy-ish glass with bacardi O and cranberry made for a delightful meal. Monica and A are way fun, and we had a lenghty discussion about stalking real worlders, girls not being able to read while taking a shit, and how A wipes his ass with four squares of toilet paper.

Yeah, that�s TMI, but I had to share.

After the pub, we headed off to manhattan where we went into a bar that I�d passed tons of times, but never patronized. The grownups drank a pitcher of beer while the kid (that�d be me) drank a smirnioff Ice. Why is it that there�s no Smirnioff Ice Black in New york, or the nicer bars in philly, but there�s tons of it in New Jersey and at my karaoke bar? I don�t get it.

Anyway, we drank, talked shit, and met a married couple who had just dropped their son off for his first year of college.They were getting shitfaced to celebrate. Well, maybe drown their sorrows, because the dad says college was, �A mighty expensive investment,� and repeated it a couple of times, each with a little added drunken slur to his �invesssmnt.� After some encouragment from the younger crowd (us) the mom sat on a cast iron rooster statue. �Ride the cold hard cock, ma!�


A good time was had, and Frank so needs to see new york. Like he always says, �We�ll see.�

It�s almost quittin� time. I�m gonna go now.

Love and adoration,


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