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Written, November 02, 2001 at around: 1:26 PM

I just suck, man.

Who loves ya baby?

I do. Yes I do. Hey! I got my diary reviewed! (emphatic shouts of "look look!"I scored a whopping 83 out of 100.

I am officially cool. You know it. Well, this morning on the way to work I had all these thoughts abou thow I don't think I'm very important. I often have days when I come in to work and wonder to myself why I even bother. What makes me a person who should be allowed to live. I don't want to die or anything, it's just that I don't have a real talent.

I think I'm talented, but that's just my big head talking there. I think I can draw, but then agian I looked at Illy's art yesterday and became insanley jealous. It's rather pathectic. I think everything is a contest, and I'M LOSING!!!

I am not the prettiest girl around anymore, I'm hardly the most feminine, and I'm not even that great with computers anymore. I'm just getting old and out of it. I'm not a great writer either. I mean.... hello? You're reading this, and I know it isn't that good. I was thinking that maybe my talent is self expression. I do a lot of talking throughout my day.

Sooo lame. There's always someone ten times better than me, and no matter how much I think I've improved personally, there's always someone with pure, intense talent. I just feel somewhat useless. I have all the beginnings of so may skills, but I'm not good at any of them. I'm not even a Jack of All trades, because at least They do everything kinda well. i just suck man.


I am going to go wallow in self pity.,


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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?