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Written, October 18, 2001 at around: 11:23 AM

um, websites are cool

Ahhh, here I am. I'm thinking about starting a buisness. Since I'm obviously going to have nothing to do with I was thinking that I still wanted to buy a domain name and do something internet/anime related for profit. I like profit. I like anime. I think I could do that.

I want to start a comic kind of company, or something of the sort. I also want to open a little store or something like that. I don't want the store to be, becuase that would be a totally personal site, but like, my comicbook idea would probabally work out fairly well. That and the store idea is always good. I'll finish everything I need to start up a pay-pal account and then I'll start selling online. Woo!

I don't know if I need fill out special papers for registring a company, but I'll do it all. I want to have a ligit buisness. I eventually want my corporation to look like gradschools.ccom does. heh.


p-chan out!

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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?