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Written, Thursday, Jun. 26, 2003 at around: 12:10 PM

Not quite as sick- party over where?

Happy lunchtime to ya!

Well, it�s official. I�m sick. You can all rejoice, though. Why? Because I�ve got a really sore throat. Yes, that�s right, there will be little, to no conversation out of me during the day. That is, unless the ill feeling finds its way into another part of my body. I think I�m okay with it being in my throat for now, given some of the other choices.

The massively monster migraine (MMM, grr!) headache has subsided, and given way to sinus pressure that only seems to bother me when I�m outside. I�m not quite so sad about being sick anymore, so I guess it�s really not so horrible.

That, and I got a free bagel yesterday. Yay! It was left over from an event that involved some important people that I�ll never meet. Mmm, cinnamon raisin bagelness. Delish. There should also be some free refreshments this afternoon as well. Sunday is the 30th anniversary of a really nice lady who works here by the name of Rosie. So since they can�t celebrate on the actual day, they�re going to get their surprise party on today. There�s going to be juice, soda, cake, and celebration.

Party over heeeere.

Tomorrow we all get paid, and the girls in my department (minus Sarah, who�s going to be at her writing conference) are taking the new girl, Kirsten (who seems really nice) out to lunch at a bar down the street. That should be very fun. We might not come back to work, lol.

I�d update about last night, but I�m not going to put you through that, as I�ve already whined and bitched about how sick I�m feeling. Nothing really interesting happened to me, so consider yourself spared.

Oh! Here�s some good news! I�m getting my cable internet back! Saturday morning/afternoon, someone from Comcast is gonna come to my apartment and re-install cable tv and bring a new cable modem. Yay! This is a very exciting development. I�m saving oogoggles of money on the install. (I think �oogoggles� -pronounced ooh-goggles - is my new favorite journal phrase... right next to �Wah wah wahhhh� and �Yay!� both of which I use in real life.) Since I owed money when they cut me off, I would have ended up paying over a hundred and fifty dollars to get my cable turned back on. Now it�s only costing me like, sixty nine dollars.

The catch is, for that cheap price, I�m getting digital cable installed. The glory of digital cable is going to grace my little apartment. All I really wanted was to have regular cable with HBO. It was a little more money upfront to have that installed, so I settled with the guy on the phone to get digital. Now, digital cable costs like seventy dollars a month, or something. That�s a lot of money for tv that I won�t really watch. If I can afford seventy bucks a month for digital cable, that probably means that I have enough money to be outside doing something else. So, after a little bit of debate about me not wanting to pay an outrageous bill for tv I probably won�t watch, the cable dude explained to me that I can downgrade the digital to analog cable. Okay. Sure. So I�ll have about a week of analog cable.

I�m really afraid that I�m going to fall in love with digital cable, and be stuck with a seventy dollar cable payment-- plus the forty or fifty for cable internet. We�ll see.

I don�t feel very informative, argumentative, or entertaining today, so I think I�m going to do the right thing by ending this entry now. Besides, I want to scrounge around for some food. Have a great afternoon, and an even better tomorrow! :-)

Love & Adoration


Written, Wednesday, Jun. 25, 2003 at around: 10:21 AM

Pain............ An entry filled to the brim with complaints.


I really don�t feel well. If I had been working here for a longer period of time, I might have called out today.

My entire body is sore, especially my neck. Of course my toes still kind of sting from the sandals that don�t really fit me. Foolishly I wore shoes with no socks today, after reminding myself to wear some last night. I should have written that down. I have to get a note system for myself at home. Thank you HDAD.

Just after I spent a good 48 hours without one, I woke up with another ass-kicking migrane headache, which as the hours pass by, is making me nausious. Today it seems like my equlibrium is off, but the dizzy feelings are probabally due to a combination of consuming dinners consisting soley of chocolate cake, and how hot it�s been. That helps in my allergies thrive. Nice. Plus, this may be hard to belive, but I�ve been bleeding from my vagina for almost 3 whole days!

Alert the press!

I reitterate from last summer, ovulation + heat = Pain. That sucks. I also didn�t sleep well last night. It wasn�t like before, when I couldn�t fall asleep and was just waking up for no reason. I had a really freaky dream last night, which honestly scared me, and made me get all worried about the people close to me. This dream woke me up at about 1:45, and I didn�t fall back into an uncomfortable, psudo-state of rest for like two and a half hours.

Oh, I wanna cry! :-( I�m in pain. I don�t feel good at all, and I wanna go home. :-( This makes me sad. I�m gonna stay though, because I feel so bad about having left work early last thursday. Plus I�m still new, and that�s just not right.

Okay, let me look at the good points here. There�s supposed to be an optimist living in my brain. I�m not homeless. I got my period again, on time. I live in America, and not like, Pakistan or something. Life is no where near as bad as those little Ethiopian babies with the big bellies, and flies on their eyes. Ugh, thinking of the poor Ethiopian babies has not helped the �I feel sad� feeling go away. Damnit. A massage and some food would be so nice. I still wanna go home, rest, and turn the shower on, and get some hot water on my neck and sholders.

Last night around 5:15 I left here to go home, and that was nice. I spent an extended amount of time on the phone with my utility companies, to be assured that I won�t be shut off. I�m getting really tired of having those conversations with different companies every other week. Hopefully I won�t have to ever again, after July is over, and they�re pretty much all paid off *Crosses fingers*.

This, having a cell phone with a bill, thing rocks. I really like caller ID. Before my phones got cut off, I had been getting a lot of people calls where I�d answer the phone, and 4 seconds after �Helllllo?� they�d hang up. On the land line, that didn�t bug me so much, because you know-- people get wrong numbers and everything. Okay, fine. Then, no more than 24 hours after my land line got cut off, I started getting those Call and Hang up, calls on my old cell phone. That bothers me. Hopefully whoever was doing that isn�t going to get the new phone number, and I can recieve phone calls in peace. Yay!

Oh-- general note specifically to monica-- I don�t have any real girl-friends here either. You really do have to move to Philadelphia now, so we can hang out and pretend to be girly together. :-D

My neck hurts really, really bad. The pain isn�t getting any better and looking at this computer screen isn�t helping much.

I�m going to go to the bathroom. Maybe another entry later. I hope your day is better than mine is so far! :-)

Love and adoration,


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