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Written, Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2003 at around: 5:07 PM

Second entry and whatnot... a bus ride trip thing

Hey, lunchtime is over!

I just came in from outside, and although I�m not a fan of the summertime in any way, shape, or form-- It�s gorgeous outside. The sun is shining, the grass (what little there is to speak of in center city philadelphia) is a sharp green, and even the shmucks who were out there seemed happier. Sunshine does crazy things, especially to a city that�s spent the past month and a half in the shade of mostly cloudy skies and rain.

The air smells of summer out there, which isn�t entierly a bad thing. It has to be at least ninety degrees outside, but it honestly doesn�t feel that way. The humidity is low, and the whisper of a breeze is gentle yet has the strength to calm down the attitude of the scortching sun.

Since I didn�t have any lunch worth speaking of (Or any money that isn�t already spoken for) I just walked outside to be outside. My skin is still a little warm although I�ve been in here for a while. I dislike the sun touching my skin. Ugh, it�s a painful feeling. My skin is sore.

Anyway, lemme try and update here. I wore a dress to work today. Mostly because I knew it was going to be uber-hot, and I haven�t done laundry since the Clinton administration. Wow, how gross would it be if that were true? This dress used to fit me quite snugly. On the label, the dress claims that it was manufactured and distributed by Express Clothing, however I picked it up at Ross for only a percentage of the price. Go me! Anyhow, the dress, which is green and has tiny flowers all over it, is nice. I�ve worn it out one other time since I bought it almost a year ago. I�ve lost a lot of weight since then, let me tell you.

My period is on, so that means I�m sorta bloated. The dress still fits loosely. Yay! I don�t think it fits me as well as it did when I had more mass and a bigger ass, (lol, that rhymed) but that�s okay. This dress makes me feel girly and pretty. It also reminds me that I like my legs. I don�t see them too often anymore. Slowly I have become a pants kinda girl, and haven�t been wearking shorts as frequently. There is a clothes shopping trip in my future.

The sandals I wore today haven�t made me feel quite so great. They don�t fit me correctly, so I now have blisters on my toes, and they hurt so badly that I�ve stayed in my office since morning just so I wouldn�t have to walk around. It�s bad enough that my feet kinda swell (and my ankles get sore, yeowch!) during my period, but this takes the damn cake. That�s what I get for wearing shoes with heels. I�m going to start wearing socks in my shoes (fuck), and stop going barerfoot again. This is embarrassing. I�m not particularly fond of the appearance of my feet to begin with, so big ol� blisters on my pinky toes isn�t realy helping much.

Enough toe bitching.

Yesterday, on the bus ride home, I saw a friend of mine from college (wow, I can say that). This dude E.J. -Edward John, a cool guy. He�s a geek who tries ever so hard to make being a geek cool. We used to talk a lot, and he was very much an older brother to me. Not like some other someone who has refered to himself as my brother, but I didn�t start this paragraph to go off on that rant. EJ has known me since I was like 14, and has always been protective of me. Lots of guys have said they were protective of me, but he was one of the few that ever came to my defense when it came down to the wire. I was kind of mean to him... a lot, but that�s what I did when I was 14 and 15, I was kind of mean to everyone, but he had patience for it, just like a real brother. I think it�s because he honestly never had any desire to date me. I like that.

E.J. told the tales of what he�s been up to, and he�s getting married soon. *gasp!* I would have never thought that he�d really get married to anyone, and conversly that some woman would accept his proposal. Then again, given the kind of women that he used to date, most of them would have had difficulty figuring out how to open the ring box. He�s like twenty eight or something now, and he�s also a fairly level headed person, so I�m sure it wasn�t a rash decision. I�m so happy for him, because when he mentioned it, he just started to glow. Every word that he said about his fiance was beautiful. She�s gotta be an awesome lady, because EJ would fall in love and stuff, but never did he really feel it. At least that�s the way it seemed.

When he asked me who I was dating now, I happily told him about frank. EJ cut me off mid sentance to ask the all important question-- �Does he read comic books?� After I stopped laughing (some people really never change) I replied, �Nope, but he does play video games.� EJ just sighed at me, and said, �Well, it�s a good start.� Post the �Is he treating you right, because I�ve seen your choices in men,� questioning, he placed his approval on my relationship.

Thanks EJ.

Wait, EJ doesn�t even know this exists... d�oh.

Time to go now folks. Have a great evening, and an even better tomorrow morning... or afternoon, depending on when you wake up. :-D

Love and adoration,


Written, Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2003 at around: 12:20 PM


Hey, it�s lunchtime!

Dude, I�m a little bored and very hungry. I have no money, didn�t bring any food with me, and my credit card is on my table/desk at home.

Say it with me kids, �Fuck.�

I�m eating day old pretzels and drinking water from the fountian for lunch... Blech.

My phone came in the mail yesterday! Yay! I�m so happy. It�s pretty fucking cool, too. The screen is in full, vibrant color, and the ringtones aren�t all dumb and funky. I don�t know quite how to define �all dumb and funky� but the ringtones on this phone are rather awesome. It�ll be obsolete in six months, but I don�t care. I love my new phone. I�ll give it a big hug later.

I called a bunch of people yesterday to tell them that my number has changed, however I didn�t get in touch with many of them. Eh, sucks to be them. They�ll all be pissed when they find out that they can�t get a hold of me. Well, probabally not pissed, because I�m sure that if they don�t call me on a regular, they won�t be calling anytime soon anyway. If you don�t have my cell number but you should, and I didn�t call you, email me and I�ll get it to you. Well, you know, if you aren�t a bad person or anything, lol.Most of the people I know are good people anyway, so it�s no big deal.

Speaking of good people, I spoke to Illy yesterday. She�s so funny, man. Let�s hear it for Pisces, sign of the... oh wait I used this joke a couple of days ago. Anyway, it was good to have a phone conversation with her that lasted longer than five minutes. Yay!

I�m going to go outside for a little while to not be inside, enjoy the non-partly-cloudyness and play with my phone. I�ll come back and write another entry with a real update later, I don�t have much to do. Have a great afternoon, and whatnot until I return,

Love and so on,


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