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Written, Wednesday, Jul. 03, 2002 at around: 11:57 PM

HOT DAY... and the first PEA award

Okay, first of all, it's hot as BALLS outside.

Second, how are you? Well, I'm super! Thanks for asking. I'm sweaty, I'm tired, and I kind of stink. Otherwise I had a very interesting day. I went shopping with frank today. It wasn't just supposed to be Frank and I so the day was a little weird.

See, okay, last night I spent a better portion of my evening on the phone with John and Frank. It was in that order, too.

John gave me a call and I was happy to speak to him, since I'd gotten my little, "No people day" in a couple of days ago. John blabbed my ear off about "I'm really into you, Pam," this and, "Do you like me more than frank," that. Please. Just those couple of statments alone let me know that he isn't ready for another serious relationship, let alone a serious relationship with me.

So then I spoke to frank to intercept john's call to him. So I could let him know that I'm still using John's attraction to me as a distraction from the evil girlfriend that uses john for sex. I sent frank a text message about how I had spoken to john on his cell, and Frank called me back.

We spoke about john for a while, and then we talked about nothing for an even -longer- while. Then we started talking about movies- One of frank's favoirte subjects- and we got into old movies, old tv shows, and then southpark. The new southpark DVD, Insults to Injury is too funny. If you like southpark, go pick that up. Now, damnit! It's funny. All I have to say is "Red rocket, red rocket!" and, "CRIPPLE FIGHT!!!!"

The point I was -kind of- making was that frank and john picked up the insult to injury dvd from Best Buy. Best buy is frank's favorite store. He is an BBA Best buyaholic anynomous... I feel another Poopology like entry coming on!

But anyway--

He planned on taking a trip out to the mall, and so on. I was like, "when are you planning on going?" and he pretty much invited me. I was like, "Word up." So we went to best buy today, and shopped without john-- who was the motherfucker frank was supposed to be going to the mall with in the first damn place. Ugh.

It was a weird hot day.

Oh, and I may officially die in peace, I am friends with a white person who has eaten Chumpies Potato chips!


That Blonde haired Blue eyed individual would be Frank. He is the recipiant of the very first Pam's Excelence Award. I have a feeling that the PEA will be a new part of my diaryland experince.

The first PEA award:

What a life I lead.

My love and adoration are kickin' it old school.


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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?