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Written, Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2003 at around: 8:31 PM

Halloween... Help?

Hey People...

Okay, October is only a couple of weeks away, and I haven't decided what I'm gonna be for Haloween.

There has yet to be a haloween in my 22 years of life when I didn't get dressed up in a costume, and obtain some free candy. I haven't trick or treated in a couple of years... but I ~have~ dressed up in obvious costume every year.

I don't know what my Haloween plans are just yet, but I'm really hope that they involve more than handing out candy to my local neigborhood niglettes.

Anyway, the point of my writing this entry is to ask for help. I need to know what I should dress as this halloween. I don't know who I should go as. I love dressing in costumes, especially if they come with props, but I'm kind of drawing a blank this year, mostly because I've done everything already. Did the princess thing. Did the fairy thing... still have the tinkerbell outfit, and wings. Did cute fuzzy animals as a kid. Did the witch thing in two different varieties. I still have the witch hat. Did the clown thing.

Maybe I'll do a star trek uniform. I've always wanted one, but I'd have to get it uber-tight, so it doesn't look shitty. The next-gen star trek uniforms they sell usually fit loosely, but the ones on tv (For the chicks anyway) fight tightly. Plus, tight=sexy, and I have a track record of being pretty fucking sexy on Halloween evening... plans or not.

I think I only said that 'cause I'm still horny, lol.

So, anyhoo-- if you guys have suggestions, leave 'em. This is an ongoing plea for your assistance, and will probabally continue until october 17th (payday before punkin' day). Hopefully, at this point, I'll know what I'm dressing up as, and will buy my costume.



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