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Written, Thursday, Feb. 28, 2002 at around: 9:56 PM

Guess what happened!!


I guess I should update more often. Well, a lot has happened in my personal life, but I don't think I'm ready to post it online. Not because I don't think I wanna, but just because there are people who read my diary who I DONT want to know. So there.

Anyway, yeah, my life is good. I saved some chick's life on saturday. I know that was like, ages ago, in diaryland time. Do I care? Not really. I'm not even spell checking this entry, so you can take this one or leave it.

I've been working hard on improving my layout so that I can get more traffic, get better review scores, and pretty much just enjoy reading my own diary. I'm grooving on the clouds in the backgroud. Ooh, what a life I have.

I went to anime club today, and it was the same as it's always been. I walked in, hugged paul, sat down, went to get a food item, and acted up all throughout the showing. For those of you who actually have a life, and do things on Thursday nights, this is what anime club is like. There's a whole bunch of nerdy people in a classroom, watching Japaneese cartoons on a big screen.

Yes. We are losers. What can I say. Anyway.... *yawn* I'm tired, and pretty much done with this entry. I suppose one of these days I'll decide to post that juicy info I spoke about, but for the time being, I'll be like a celebrity, and keep it to my damn self.



Love and adoration--


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*HUGS* TOTAL! give miabogard more *HUGS*
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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?