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Written, Thursday, Mar. 28, 2002 at around: 2:44 PM

I'm baaaack

You know, I really haven't been in the mood to write lately. I'm going through one of those moon phases where I give up on a current hobby. I still love diaryland, and I still oddly get hits even though I never update. That really rocks.

Diaryland isn't the only thing that I've been shying away from as of late. I haven't been much in the mood to follow my michiru dreams. Don't get me wrong, I still want to be more like her, but due to my current lack of interest in, well, everything except final fantasy X (think number not letter), I haven't been very interested in raising my femininity stats.

I've been busy becoming a social butterfly, getting very little sleep, eating foods that I know I shouldn't be eating. I've been wearing dirty pants with no regrets. Most often though, I've been singing a lot of karaoke. I really enjoy Karaoke, and I want a machine for myself. I got Tiffany addicted to it, so if I bought a real karaoke machine, she'd come visit, and I could have karaoke parties. That'd be fun.

I bought me a gold membership today. I don't know why, though. It's not like I'm as into diaryland as I was about four months ago. I suppose I will be again. Besides, this may very well make me want to use it more. Plus, I emailed Andrew (Yes the andrew) and found out that he's pretty cool.

I wonder if I put a whole bunch of random things in this entery if it will boost my hits... Anime Evangellion, Escaflone, Ayashi no Ceres, Sailor Moon, Sailor Neptune ( ! ), Ojamo Doremi, Sunkist oranges, iMac database transfer, Hello Kitty, Rita's Water Ice, Sex, sexy, lesbian, lesbains.

That oughtta boost traffic a bit. :-D

Love and adoration,


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