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Written, Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003 at around: 4:14 PM

end day... end.


I've been falling in and out of boredom all day. I've been reading stuff, and looking at the work I have to do, and ultimately coming up with the roadblock: I don't feel like doing shit.

I have plenty to do, that really isn't the problem. I have no desire to do anything except leave. On days where I think I'm slacking, it more or less means that I don't really talk to anyone, and stay inside my cubifice. I don't want to be bothered, and if you want to talk to me, you'd better come get me, because I ain't gonna go find you.

What an exciting day!

Well, christmas is in a week. That kinda sucks. I'm not done shopping, and I have to bake a whole shitload of cookies between 1pm on christmas eve, and whenever I get around to giving out christmas presents. I can feel the 23rd and 24th catching up with me already, and it's not a feeling I care very much for.

Christmas eve has always been a shopping day for me, for as long as I remember having a siginfigant amount to spend on christmas presents. Despite my efforts to prevent a christmas eve rush to the mall, I'm still not really done. Mostly I need to pick up a few items from the supermarket.

Here's my complete christmas list, pending people not pissing me off between now and christmas, and random (& CHEAP) findings on wishlists.

  • frank
  • my mom
  • john
  • jason
  • mike l
  • Alli
  • Trice
  • Darrell
  • Frank's little sister
  • Frank's dad*
  • Rob Drob*
  • Leighann
  • Illy
  • Bill*

*these are all men over 30, and they'll be getting cookies and/or sports products (sports things are provided I'm not busted ass broke.)

It's not a long list, but in regards to my financial situation, and the fact that I actually bought presents outside of the dollar store this year, it's a long fucking list. I'll be happy once I give all the presents away, and everyone's all happy, but right now I'm kind of like, "fuck christmas."

Yes, to answer your question, I have had a couple really fucked up chirstmases, so I really don't look at this as a slap-happy time of year. I fade in and out of the christmas spirit, but right now I'm not feeling it. Plus, pms is staring me in the face from a few days in the near future, so yeah.


Yesterday was an okay day-- 1/2 day at work, christmas party with yucky food in a stale, hot room. They gave away dvd players, computer games, and MP3 players. I didn't win shit. I was bummed, 'cause I really wanted an mp3 player. I'll buy one in january once I have money again, lmao-- that's funny, me having money before april.

I went home and crashed after the lamo-party. This morning everyone was kissing the VP's ass & HR lady's ass over how nice it was. Fuck that. The party sucked: The food was gross and gave me a stomach ache, there was no music, and the room looked like a school cafiteria with ballroom tables. I'll be damned if I'll lie to them and tell them I had a good time... and I was totally in a non-ass kissing mood today.

So, yeah-- I went home, took a shower and napped. Then I watched tv, and got into the mood to play with the boxes of the presents I bought for people. After a while I started trying to figure out how I'd wrap them, so I laid them all out and tried to estimate how much paper i'd need, how many more boxes I needed to get and how many bags I'd have to grab.

So I'm looking at all this stuff, and folding paper and whatnot, and my doorbell rang. "Who the fuck is ringing my doorbell?" I looked outside and saw frank's truck accross the street. Yay! I hid all the presents again, and let him in. Yay for suprise visits. I was happy. We had some, uh- "Quality time" and he helped me remember how to wrap things. That was fun.

then I wrapped more stuff, put it in a bag, and went to bed.

What an exciting day....

I want to see Return of the King again, and oh- I will-- I'll see it next week after I get paid. Oh and I plan on watching Big Fish, the new tim burton flick. I'm all about that.

Love and adoration,


Written, Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003 at around: 3:34 PM

do you qualify?

Economy kicking your ass? Unemployment making you bang your head against walls?

You get a job!

I'm overqualified, but perhaps you're not.

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