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Written, Monday, Jul. 08, 2002 at around: 6:29 PM

What's up with the ugly guys on the internet?

Oooh, the following should be a good entry.

Why you ask? Because I'm pissed off.

I'm pissed off about the internet today. This complaint has nothing to do with bandwith, access controlls, the lack of ram in my system (Which did come via fed-ex today, but I wasn't home... damn) but it has to do with the people who use the damn thing. I've been internet-savvy (I love the word savvy, it's so cool. I wish I was as cool as the word savvy) for over 8 years now. I had an email address back before Al Gore even knew that he was going to invent the internet. I am geek. Hear me snort.

The thing about all that, is the fact that I'm female. Now don't go thinking that I'm saying that chicks don't use the internet. That is actually the oppisite of my argument today. Chicks use the internet. Hot chicks use the internet, but I'll be goddamned if there aren't some ugly guys using the internet.

Now, like I said, I've been using the internet since AOL was passing out 5'1/4 disquettes to unknowing citizens, since Prodogy was a kickass isp, since before DSL was avalible in large metropolitan areas! But today I realized something after having seen pictures of people attending blog con, pictures of folks who use diaryland, and pictures of folks who use livejournal. Male geeks are just damn fugly.

I believe this to be why I am currently without a boyfriend. I dig smart guys and all, but most of the computer dudes out there are:

  1. . Completley full of themselves
  2. . Fugly
  3. . without good hygene.

This is true even at my own job with 2 exceptions. Anita is a pretty lady. She's 26 years old, energetic, works out, and is a Websphere developer as well as highly trained in java and java script. I'm pretty, I am great at troubleshooting computer problems, and am capible of puting together a computer system.


Then, there's Mike D. He's a stereotype. I mean, don't get me wrong, Mike d is a great guy, but he's a walking talking prospect for the 2002 version of revenge of the nerds. (which is a movie that wouldn't get produced-- colombine and all) He is a geek, and he's not too cute. Bah.

Mike k and Ying (who are both asian) are pretty hot, and very smart, computer wise. They are the exceptions that I spoke of.

As I sit here and take a deep breath, I can only hope that more cute guys start getting turned on to geekdom. I mean, damn, that's what all the pretty girls are doing. This chick is hot. ....

Okay, I'm running out of steam regarding that stuff.

I'm considering joining the blogathon. It looks so nice, I'd like to update my journal to help people. I can even pick my own sponsor. Word. I'll do it. I've gone 24 hours without sleep before, I'll do it for charity. :-) Expect to see image linkage to their site within the next 24 hours, somewhere on this layout.

Okay, I have to eat something before I croak.

Love and adoration,


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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?