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Written, Friday, Jun. 13, 2003 at around: 3:50 PM

Happy Friday the 13th!

Greetings everyone,

I�ve just consumed a very sugar-intensive desert, and I�m a smidgen on the hyperactive side, so please accept my apologies for whatever you�re about to read.

Earlier today I began writing an entry (I only wrote about 4 paragraphs) and it was mostly complaints about how little money I have left after having paid my bills this morning. The entry was panning out to be extremely boring, and a little too whiny for my current emotional state.

In the now defunct entry, I also complained a little bit about how in the past two weeks I haven�t been feeling intelligent at all. The phrase �brain-dead� was used twice. That was before lunch. Since then, my outlook on life has changed a little bit, and my heart is racing... Damn chocolate pie. Yes, I said chocolate pie.

Sharon, one of the nice ladies here at NAPCO, left the company today. She pulled one of Frank�s deals-- she quit like a normal person, two weeks notice and everything. She doesn�t have an actual, �Job� lined up. Well, she sorta does. Sharon is going to be a freelance writer for various newspapers and magazines. I guess there�s good money in that. (?) That should work out pretty well for her, because she used to write for the New York Times, a business journal somewhere and some local paper in Jersey. Anyway, today at lunchtime we celebrated her decision to leave the company with 3 good hours of talking and eating away from our desks.

This place isn�t so bad after all.

I never really spoke much to Sharon, but I gathered she�s a fun person from our few points of interaction. The lunch was great, because there were a bunch of people there. When I actually get introduced to them, I really, really like people. Outside of Sarah, Bill, Sharon, Maggie, Jen and Cynthia I had no idea who half of them were, but since this is a work environment they introduced me to the strangers across the table. As the lunch went on, and we were asking Sharon about her post-NAPCO plans, I did something I haven�t done in ages. I was the life of a social event. Since I haven�t been to many informal social gatherings involving a large group of people comprised of both males and females in the past 6 months, I really had to blow the dust off of my outgoing, chipper, mildly intelligent and witty group personality.

It was classic.

I did a lot of talking, and the majority of it was coherent. Descriptive sentences involving several words with more than three syllables kept coming out of me... wow. I spoke to the group, they laughed and they made faces when I described strange events. They were entertained by my stories of Peng�s cell-phone going off in the movie theater, and my tales of various delicious foods I�ve consumed lately. It was a good feeling, and I really felt alive.

Wow, that�s really sad.

Anyway, Sharon said she was gonna cry as she left the company, but I think she was happy, even though the girl that made her smile was the one she knew the least.

Ah, it�s Friday. God damn that feels great, all I need now is an orgasm chaser, and I�ll be ready to start the weekend. This was a fairly bland week. I didn�t really do much with myself, nor did I go out of my way to do anything exciting, and I�m not ashamed of that. I�m pretty sure by the week of June 30th, I�m going to be very busy-- outside of work. I don�t know what I�ll be busy with, but I�ll be busy none the less.

Bill assured me that by the end of the month, or the first week of July, I�ll be really freggin busy here. That�s fine by me. Deadlines and pressure make me do work. Giving me assignments, no deadline, and just saying, �Okay, go ahead... I�ll talk to you later,� doesn�t work, because I�ll use that as an excuse to just loaf around and goof off only to procrastinate until the day that someone comes over to me and says, �Are you done?� That�s when I�ll answer, �Yeah, just about... give me an hour.� Sadly, they haven�t even done that much with me. They gave me an assignment, which I completed days ago, and now I�m doing the dreaded, �busy work.�

Busy work sucks ass more than being anally probed by a family of hungry burrowing-obsessed gerbils that were cross-bred with porcupines. Busy work makes me want to take a nap under my desk. Well, it isn�t that bad, but I�d much rather be so busy with important work that I have to work through lunch. I�d better not say that, because then I�ll start getting busy like that. Seriously though, I don�t want this to be a repeat of EDU where I have 4 hours of work to complete in an 8 hour day. If that happens, they�ll be pretty disappointed with my work persona from day to day.

From what I�m hearing about what they want to do with me, and my position, this sounds like I�ll love this job. Here�s hoping that all pans out.

Yesterday, after work was yet another bland addition to a bland week. There was a nap involved somewhere in-between deciding that I really hate just randomly watching TV, and practicing my singing. I�m really starting to get all dedicated about that. You�d think that I�m taking my voice seriously. What the hell? Oh, I did do something different yesterday, I spoke to Liza.

She and I have interesting conversations. Conversations that go from discussing the psychological makeup of five-year-olds to the fantasy and eroticism involved in getting a lap dance. Fun, yes? I also really like talking to her because she�s the only female I�m friends with who has any insight into the mind of my boyfriend.

Oddly, Frank is the first guy that I�m romantically involved with who has a lot of female friends. Well, wait, lemme rephrase that. He has a lot of female friends who I�m aware of. Every guy has those un-male �friends� but he�s nice enough to be honest and let me know about them. That makes me not worry. Well, not so much, I�m marginally paranoid, remember?

Most guys who I�ve dated have had a group of guy friends who they hated, and made more friends through me. Not that the people they became friends with were my friends first, oh no-- they were people who I spoke to, got to know, and introduced to these guys. I�m like a friend agent for the shy person. Well, I used to be. I�m sure I�ll get back into that too, but right now everyone�s all anti-social. Much like the intense rut that everyone getting out of, (and I mean everyone... Ali, you�ll get out of yours too. And Illy, if you start thinking that you�re smart all the time, you�ll be okay. Promise.) everyone will get out of their anti-social phase.

I�m not saying that my water signed friends are gonna start liking people all of the sudden, but I think they�ll be a little happier around people. Yes, John, I�m talking about you. I wonder if he even reads this anymore. I don�t get as many hits from AOL as I used to. Hmm. Who knows.

Ohhh, my tummy hurts. Sarah made this delicious chocolate mud-pie thing. Goddamn, it was so very good. The crust was made out of chocolate cookies, the bottom of the pie was like, carmel and peanuts, and the top was a rich, devilish chocolate mouse. Goddamn. I had one and a half slices, and as the minutes pass by, I�m really starting to regret that. The pie was really yummy though. OH, and she had Reddi Whip. Goddamn. I love reddi-whip. Yum.

Ohhh... my stomach.

Well, I�m going to start my weekend right now. Okay, not this very moment, nor will it be any of the few moments after this one. Alright, goddmanit, I won�t be starting anything until I leave up outta this piece. I�ll talk to you hip kids on Monday. Oh yeah, take my Philly quiz and post your scores if you wanna. Have a great afternoon, and a wonderful weekend!

Love and adoration,


Written, Friday, Jun. 13, 2003 at around: 2:54 PM

I am such an addict,

and I don't care.

You're a Magical Girl!

You're sugar-hyped, caffeine-hyped, and permanently genki-er than a whole busload of Disney characters on crack. You eat too much, you're a total klutz, and somehow this makes you an ideal candidate for saving the world. If you're really unlucky, you get to get naked in an embarrassing transformation sequence in every single episode, with only a few sparkles and pastel blobs to cover your dignity.

Which generic anime character are you?

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