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Written, Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2003 at around: 6:35 PM

it's beginning to look a lot like christmas

I'm feeling better. I think it's only because I actually ate something substancial this afternoon.

Signs (usually seen in the first weeks of november) that christmas is on it's way:

  1. Commercials for toys start coming on during the 11:00pm news
  2. People start emailing you their wish lists to various websites (zales, amazon, sanrio, etc)
  3. Commercials (read: 30 second informercials) for shit that you know good and well you would only buy for people you hate become increasingly frequent
  4. The malls begin discretley putting up decorations such as garland, lights, displays, and of course the ever so subtle 50' christmas tree
  5. My boyfriend starts freaking out.

Not like, a bad brand of freaking out, or anything. He just looooves christmas, silly.

I'm gonna wash my dishes and make dinner now.

hearts and butterflies


Written, Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2003 at around: 9:01 AM

Sick sick sick

Hey there,

I'm totally sick of being sick, and I'm even more sick of being sick at work.

So yeah, I'm still not feeling well at all, coughing up phlegm, and running an intense feaver, but still feeling cold-- dry heaving. You know the deal. It's not fun at all. The sick mood avatar hasn't changed in a few days... for a reason. I'm still feeling quite shitty... numb face, walking around in a daze-- you know that cloud that surrounds your mind when you're sick? I totally have that.

I also have the stiff joints and muscle aches. This is so fun!

Anyway, as much as I'd like to go into detail about what I did last night, it would totally be a bore. This is what I did last night: Came straight home from work, got in bed, got out of bed, ate, watched football, slept on the floor, woke up, watched more football, went back to sleep on the floor, saw the eagles won, said yay, went back to sleep.

Aren't I exciting?

I had seriously considered not coming to work today, and then responsibilties weighed out to be more than health and rest.

Well, I'ma get back to work now.

hearts and butterflies


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