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Written, Monday, Nov. 10, 2003 at around: 8:23 AM

sickly teeth

Today is monica's birthday Happy bday!

I'm still pretty sick, but at least the headache is gone. That bastard was a monster.

I have to go to the dentist at 9:30 to get a filling put in (In case you're wondering why I'm at home updating on a weekday at 8:30). Blech. Getting this filling done is just taking me one step closer to having those teeth removed.

I'm not sure if I explained fully how this is gonna work (and I'm quite sure you guys really care, too). Whenever the appointment is made, I'll have to go to my hospital. I have to have an adult take me to the hospital, and then drive my ass home, because I'm getting general anastetic. I like general anastesia. I don't know why, but I find it fun.


My mom is gonna take me because she doesn't have to work in the morning, and she offered to take me. How nice. The doctor (Who is female, and very nice... and patient) will definatly remove my two bottom wisdom teeth, because they bother me. The third is iffy, because it hasn't erupted at all yet, and has never bothered me. I didn't even know it was up there. She's gonna peek up there, see if it's worth removing, and if so she'll yoink it out.


So... then my face will swell up (I will take at least 3 days off for this) and I'll be in lots of pain. I will stay in the house a lot, and bleed. Hopefully this doesn't get scheduled the same week I'm ragging. That would not be fun at all.


Well, I'm gonna go, because I have to go get this filling popped in my tooth.

hearts & butterflies,


Written, Sunday, Nov. 09, 2003 at around: 4:47 PM

Flashback Fun!

Update frenzy!

I'm watching I love the 80's. Totally among my favorite shows.

They were talking about stirrup pants, and sholder pads. I've always been a total individual when it came to style, even when I was 3. I remember they made stiurrup pants for kids, and I hated them. I had a pair to wear under skirts and stuff to keep me warm in the winter, but I hated them. I thought they were hideous, and I was confused as to why adults found them at all fashionable. I also would rip the sholder pads out of everything I owned. My mom would question why I was doing that, and said on several occasions, "That's the style pam," And I was like, "I look like a man, mom."

Even then, I knew that people would be embarrased by wearing that shit.

I was totally on the forefront of fashion as a kid-- you know how like, neons were all totally fly? Well, I owned several pairs of brightly colored socks, which I would match with each other, wearing two pairs at a time. I was SO cool. I was probabally the only 3 year old who was encouraged to pick out my own clothes.

I'd mesh the Pippi Longstocking look with the Punky Brewster look. I was fucking awesome.

Then, somewhere around 12 or 13 I stopped giving a fuck about fashion, and just lived in free teeshirts. In 1991, when the 16 bit Sega Genesis gaming console came out, I was totally goo goo over that system. I didn't own one, but I literally wrote papers, had discussions for, and knew almost everything about the Genesis. I have always been under the impression that if I know as much as I can about something, I'll be more likely to convince someone to get it for me.

That comes from the fact that simply asking, "Hey mom, can I get this," often resulted in a no. Most of the time, I'd just be like, "No? Okay." But, if I was passionate about something, I was a persistant, knowledgable, intense pain in the ass. I will persue something until either I get it, or realize there's no way that I'm gonna get what I want (Which is really rare. I'm very persistant). That's true in many aspects of my life. Just ask my boyfriend, lmao.

But yeah, I bugged my mom about getting me a sega genesis for a good 5 years. Back in 91' I found out that Sega was making a world tour, going to malls throughout the country giving out teeshirts, systems, and letting average brats like myself play the games. I had played Sonic at like, department stores, and friends' houses-- but never had I gotten down with the system like they were offering. There were like, contests, quizzes, everything. There was one point where I was in a crowd of other 10 and 11 year olds, in front of this stage, where a PR guy had a microphone and announced that there was to be a Sega Knowledge quiz.

I could have shit myself.

They started asking kids questions, and I had my hand up, "Oooh, oohh! ME!!" They called on me, asked a question about the gaming system, I got it right. Eat my shorts, eye carumba, and woohoo! and I was given a Sonic World Tour Teeshirt.

I lived in that teeshirt until I was like 14, and that is bearly an exception. By the mid 90s It had holes in it, had faded from the bright white it once was to a until the playstation came out. It also had a distinct odor, similar to that of a 14 year old boy after soccer practice.

Oh in bigger news, Frank may have changed his mind about seeing The Cat in the Hat with me. Yay for Michael Myers being a funny bastard. More details as this story develops. Back to you, Diane.

hearts & butterflies,


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