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Written, Friday, Jan. 25, 2002 at around: 4:17 PM

GO EAGLES! And whatnot.

I don't feel much like talking about myself today. I didn't feel like talking about myself yesterday either. That was because I was having a very ify day yesterday. Nothing big happened. I found out that my boyfriend doesn't hate me or anything, and that our relationship isn't on the rocks. Nor is he dead. I know some man out there is in tears, but hey man, women outlive men, so I'm likely to be available sometime around my 80th birthday.


I am so hungry. Is it time for lunch yet? Gosh, I could use something to eat. Daath just feeds me with the most awesome quotes, man: "There really is something comforting about blowing massive amounts of pixilated shit up."

Oh hell yeah. You can't argue with reasoning like that. I mean, I'm not about to argue that folks can't get their imaginary whoop-ass on.

I love Daath, man. He's an awesome guy. In another time or another place I'd be all about getting his attention and keeping it for my own. I've done the L-D relationship thing, and it sucks. Not to mention that I still haven't seen his picture. How can I properly want to get busy with someone I've never seen?

Seriously though, he's a really awesome guy. Hopefully I'll still feel that way in a couple of months. I'm so fickle with my friendships sometimes. Its kind of sad, really. I was friends with Gabi out of necessity. If I wasn't her friend, I'd have no place to stay. I was friends with Will mostly out of loneliness. I didn't have anyone to tell me that they liked me, or reaffirm that I'm nice for a couple of weeks last summer.

Daath isn't a friend of convienince, necessity, or even loneliness. I'm not lonely, I don't need anything from him, and I don't even know what the boy looks like, yet I'm comfortable sending three-page-long emails to him on a daily basis. Hmm. More on this subject later.

Hodgson is a funny guy too: "I would have married her right there on the spot. Alas, she no like-a de penis."



So, I'm kind of tired, because you know, the eagles are playing this weekend, (E A G L E S: EAGLES!) I'm very excited. I'm hoping that the eagles win and go to the superbowl. Rock.


Well, my head hurts like hell, so I'm leaving.

Take my love and adoration, and like it!


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