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Written, Monday, Jul. 15, 2002 at around: 4:19 PM

Damn monday.... damn

Okay, well then.

It's Monday. Someone kill me. Beat my arse with a large blunt object until my eyes bleed from the sheer stress placed upon my buttocks!

I used to like Mondays. I used to look forward to them. I now despise Mondays. I hate Monday, and everything it stands for. Monday originally was the beginning of my workweek. It still is. OH, but now, oh no, now, Mondays are the Bain of existence. I will think of Monday, and I will think of dreary raining mornings where my PMS has begun to kick in.

Mornings where everything goes wrong, and I can do nothing to stop it. This is Monday. My busy day. And today, I've decided to say, fuck it. I don't care about Monday, or it's pursuit to destroy my weekend high.

Well, so-- how are you today?

I'm not that bad, I just feel the feeling of my PMS. I didn't really ever miss this feeling when I was on birth control. At least I don't get cramps.

Well I don't have much in the way of interesting things to chat about today. It's mostly because I spent most of the day bitchin'. Remember when bitchin was like, so totally cool of a word, dude? Like, oh mi gawd! I still use the word "like" as an interjection every now and then. It's kind of, like, sad.

So, like, I was doing this stuff, and this girl was all like, "Damn that bitch has a big ol ass," and I was like, "Bitch!" So we, like, fought, and stuff.


Anyway, today is going to be one of those, don�t fuck with Pam type of days. I'm sure I'll have an urge to call one of my friends, but I'll more than likely be able to hold out. I do want to call Leigh Ann because I have dvd's at her house that I'd like to watch.

Speaking of Watching.... I'm buying a tv. (when I said "Speaking of watching" did you expect me to state something sexual?? I know you did!!) Anyway, I'm buying a tv, a game cube, a wavebird, and a couple of games. I'm pretty excited. That, and I'm going to Boston this weekend, and not coming back until Tuesday. I've never been to Boston, so it should be an adventure. Nor have I ever driven this damn far in a car with other human beings. Yes, we're going to drive from Philly to Boston. Please pray for my sanity.

I'll be in a car with Amanda (manda chan!) her boyfriend, and this girl Shareen. I don't know her, but I have a feeling that I may not like her. I'm going to be an outsider during this trip, and no one even knows yet. Amanda's boyfriend is worried about being the outsider, but he don't know me too good. (fuck you and your grammar, English language speakers!!) We'll be staying at Amanda-boyfriend-man's house. I'm actually looking forward to this now that I realize how badly I need to get away from Philadelphia.

More trips shall follow.

Well, it's like, time for me to go home, so I'm like so totally outta here.

Love and adoration,


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