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Written, Thursday, Jun. 26, 2003 at around: 5:05 PM

I don't like tv anymore, though. :-(

(coughs)... Oh, my throat is feeling better. Yay!

Ah yes, Pieces of You... I participate in that colab, I oughta act like it. Here�s this week�s topic:

This may be a silly topic but do you have a favourite commercial? One that makes you laugh every time? Or cry? Or maybe there's one that you remember from long ago?

What's Your Favourite Commercial?

Well, I don�t watch tv much anymore, and the superbowl commercials have really begun to let me down lately. It�s a sorrid state of affairs, telvision advertising is. I try to avoid watching television unless one of my favorite shows is on, or if there are movies on. I like watching movies on tv because there aren�t as many commercials.

Oddly, I do enjoy MTV. The commecrcial channel that has interceptions of mindless programming for 8 minuts between the commercials for condoms, PSA�s for cigerettes, and MTV�s self promotion. I�m a conflicted soul.

The question here certianally isn�t whether I like TV or not. The question is what my favorite commercial is. I don�t know!

Although I�ve learned to dislike television, excluding a few shows here and there, I lived, breathed and ate tv when I was a kid. Since I wasn�t allowed outside, seven eights of my waking hours were pretty much spent in front of tv on a day I wasn�t getting my school on, so I knew a lot of 80�s commercials by heart.

I remember the Yo-Yo Ball commercial. I thought it was a really stupid toy, but I remember the catchy song. It was so fun! �It�s so much fun, and easy to do, off the rubber it goes and comes back to you! And you never have to wind it, you can do it all! Hey man, it�s a yo-yo ball!� How fun is that? Even the tune of the song kicked ass.

Then there were the My Buddy/Kid Sister commercials. Ah, when they came on, I�d grab both my Kid Sister Doll (Who I named Patty, after pepperment patty-- but my doll was black) and the My Buddy Doll (Who I named Chuckie -- yes, I named him after that Chuckie). Then we�d sing the song, (�My buddy, my buddy! Wherever I go, you�re gonna go,� and so forth) together. Ah, memories. When most of my friends had heads made out of plastic, and bodies made from a flame retardant mix of cotton and polyester.

I also liked commercials for my favorite tv shows. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles commercials were always an eye catcher. The commercials for Duck Tales were really exciting.

Wow, this question really has me reminicing. I don�t have a favorite commercial, but I really, really miss the days when I loved tv. I remember spending hours just flipping through the channels, and I was content with that. It made me happy, and I could excape the real world, and live in the world with the Keatons (oooh, michael j fox... mmm) and the Huxtables. I hated all of the huxtable kids, (Especially rudy, because we shared a hairstyle for a while, and strangers would call me Rudy. Fuckers... ugh) but I wanted a big family when I was little, so combined with the humor, I liked the show. I wanted to go to high school with the kids from Saved by the Bell, man, and I wanted to grow up and buy the stupid products that were advertised on tv.

Especially the cars they advertised on the News.

Maybe I�ll start to love tv again once my cable is re-installed.

Love and adoraiton,


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