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Written, Friday, Jul. 12, 2002 at around: 12:49 AM

Cajun ego boosts make me horny....

Well boost my ego and call me Anita!

I have a substancial amount of people reading my diary. I have a favorites list to prove it! Ha ha, fadein here I come!

Yeah, I, like many other people read fadein, and he's like my diaryland hero. I chat with him now and again via AOL instant messenger, and I'm sure he wonders what in the hell is wrong with me.

Well, today I came to a consclusion. I do indeed want to be Frank's girlfriend. (big newsflash there, huh?) But here's the deal-- I'm comfortable being his friend, and quietly awating the transition. Now if only I could find a way to get john a partially-sane love interest that isn't me, it'd be all good. But alas, there is no such thing.

I didn't talk to frank today. I don't call him everyday, because I always feel like I'm overwhelming him. I feel justly so, because too much Pam can be a lot like too much McDonalds food. It sounds kinda good at first, but then you're sick to your bubbling stomach. I mean, I do see the guy almost every weekend. It's not like I'm missing out on anything.

Speaking of bubbling stomachs, I went out to dinner with the rest of the Tech staff from work. It was a lot of fun. I really like my boss, he's like my unwillingly adopted father. He laughs a lot, and often at some really stupid shit. The Bubbling stomach comment had nothing to do with the food at the New Orelans Cafe. -I ate cajun food today, perhaps I'll meet Gambit and have great creole sex tomorrow or something.- I'm talking about Anita.

Poor Anita wasn't feeling well. She worked so hard on planning this outing for the 5 of us, and she ended up going home early. It would have been more fun if she was there. I'm always talking shit about anita in my diary, but the real deal is that I like her a lot. She's a very nice person, and when she isn't pissed off at me she's a great friend, much like an older sister. But I'm always pissing her off, so whatever.


I haven't had sex in a really long time. That just sucks. More and more I'm contemplating giving up on this whole, "not sleeping with frank because he has a girlfriend and I have morals" routine, and just banging his brains out. Not that he'd complain, but I really don't think that's a good idea. I'm getting weak. Very weak. Not to mention that next week (yes the three weaks/weeks were planned) is pam's horny week. It's the week before my period, and I'm normally V E R Y horny throughout this special week.

I fear for my second virginity.

I also fear for the hips of the man who I sleep with next. That poor man. That poor, bruised man. Oh dude, I'm a twisted chick, I really do indeed enjoy giving head. I mean, that banner ad that I put up is no joke. I really do have a slight oral fixation. I like to put things in my mouth. I used to always chew on pens, gum, paper, everything. I'm much better than I used to be. I used to just put random things in my mouth as a child. That's how I ended up choking on a penny at the age of 7 or 8. That's a funny/embarrasing story that I'll save for later.

As for right now, I am going to bed. It's like 1:00 now. I need some rest because tomorrow is friday, and I can leave HELLA early if I go to work at 7, so wish me luck on waking up at 5:30am. *insert my laughter here*

Love and adoration for everyone! Only one dollar!


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