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Written, Saturday, Sept. 13, 2003 at around: 6:08 PM

So bright... so beautiful...

Happy mother fucking Saturday,

What a lovely day it is. I was called this morning to go to the set of the film I'm sorta working on, but I decided not to go in favor of sleeping this afternoon. They have nothing negitive to say about me, and I think I'd like to pick up some additional film projects from the philly film office anyway. They're awesome guys, but I really needed this to be a day off from the hours of When I Wake Up AM to When I Feel Like Going to Bed AM. See, that makes sense because I wake up early, nap for an hour and stay up late.

It's six o'clock already. Damn. By six o'clock on a weekday, I'm usually beat. I'm just now getting my shit together and waking up.

This has been a lovely day. I haven't had to interact with many people. I've mostly watched tv and slept. Ahh, just like my childhood. :-D

I ran some preventitive software on my computer, and remembered how badly I want another (newer) computer. Eventually I'll be able to afford buying a laptop. Until then, this peice of shit running Windows ME will have to suffice.

So in my efforts to try and relax a little, that's what I'm doing. I've been stressing out a little bit lately. The death of my grandfather and Patriot Day (That's what congress officially calls 9-11, go do a google search, and learn something)haven't really been all that fucking uplifiting, so I'm trying to mentally de-stress myself. I'm making myself a nice dinner, involving garlic cheesebread (one of my personal specialties... if you haven't had it, you're totally missing out) and a nice little bake of chicken, potatos, and broccoli. Mmm, yum.

My cat, Koi is so awesome! When I went to PetSmart with my mom a couple of weeks ago, I bought Koi one of those kitty houses. Not like, one of those expensive scratching houses, just something small and nice. It was like twenty bucks, and it's just her size.

She got inside it for the first time (that I'm aware of) today. It was a kodak moment, and I was totally without a camera. Bummer, but cool at the same time.

Okay, I'm gonna eat now.



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