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Written, Friday, Sept. 12, 2003 at around: 4:03 PM

another five questions for no reason at all...

Stolen from blackmartha... five questions (because I leave work in 5 minutes, and haven�t the time for a real update)

1. Is the name you have now the same name that's on your birth certificate? If not, what's changed?

No, it isn�t. I�m now Pamela Jean Newman, instead of Pamela Jean Willams. I never got married or anything. Actually, it�s the name that is on my birth certificate, the birth certificate changed. I�ve always been pamela jean newman.

2. If you could change your name (first, middle and/or last), what would it be?

I�d change my first name to Kimberly because aperentely that�s what people think my name is. I get called kim a lot, for like no reason.

3. Why were you named what you were? (Is there a story behind it? Who specifically was responsible for naming you?)

My mom named me. She says it�s because it�s her name too. (Yes she named me after herself... we have the exact same name)I think it�s because my father wanted to name me Michelle, which is the female form of his name, and my mom is like that.

Plus she has a bad memory for names. She'd forget her own name if it wasn't tattooed on her forhead backwards.


4. Are there any names you really hate or love? What are they and why?

I dislike ghetto names, because most people don�t know the meaning behind them. Plus they sound bad, and make employers think you�re uneducated before they meet you. Would you hire Pamela Newman, or Shaquanda Jones? Think about it.

5. Is the analysis of your name at / / astroexpert accurate? How or how isn't it?

It�s accurate. I have it in my journal, here

End 5 minute entry.


Written, Nine Eleven '03... two years later. at around: 11:48 AM

I wore black today, did you?

Yes, I really did wear black today, and on purpose too. I also look very nice in my kickass outfit. It's september eleventh and everyone wants to fuck me.

I don't know if that's cool or not.

This Makes me very uncomfortable.

It�s been a whole two years.

That�s really hard to believe, because I still remeber the events from that Tuesday a couple of Septemebers ago clearly as I remember what I did last night. I don�t think I�ve ever been that scared, or cried for so many people I didn�t know. Hell, I�m kind of scared right now, and almost cried earlier.

To be completley clich�, yeah this is our pearl harbor. Sadly, there�s no clean way to go about fighting a war that many people don�t want to have anymore. I don�t want a war on Iraq, I want the fucking war on Afganastan that I was prommised on September 12th. And what happened to all the people who agreed? Did they turn into tree-hugging hippies over the course of a year and a half? My stance has never changed. I want the people responsible to die, and to leave the innocent be. If we can fight a war in Vietnam without killing -to many- children, then I�m sure we can do something similar in the middle east.

On Tuesday (this year) I saw this heart-wrenching dramatization of what occured in 2001, that really pulled those heartstrings like a bungee cord. I felt bad for the president. I never feel bad for a president, because they put themselves into the situation, so they�ve gotta deal with the consequences. They�re america�s face guy/eventually gal, and they have to be cool, all the time. But when I saw that movie on showtime, I felt really bad for President Bush.

He had to go to new york, and talk to these people who pretty much knew they were never going to find their loved ones alive. He hugged a boy who�s dad was under the rubble, talked to a woman who�s policeman husband didn�t report for roll call that morning, and stayed at ground zero for hours. That was so damn sad.

It doesn�t even feel like anyone else in my office gives a shit. I understand that we all have to do our jobs, and that life goes on, but no one seems to care. There are people in new york right now that are without wives, husbands, parents, and lovers. There are people in afganastan who are celebrating today. There are people in washington trying to figure out the most �Diplomatic� way to go about getting some effin� retrobution for what happened two years ago, and keep us from ending up in full-on war.

Hell, I�m all about human rights, but I could use some full-on-war with afganistan. What happened to the ablity to declare war with a country, fight with their armies, and fiercly stroke our big, massive milatary cock in the faces of our enimes? I am not being sarcastic.

The massive military cock, however, was figurative.

I don�t really want to get all political, because writing about politics is boring to me, but it�d be nice if people cared. It doesn�t feel like anyone gives a damn anymore. Wasn�t everyone into the american flag fad, and the whole, �Don�t forget,� mantra?

It feels like they forgot.

Love and adoration,


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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?