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Written, Friday, Dec. 19, 2003 at around: 11:48 AM

S as in shit h as in horrible i t as in trouble

I'm going to get fired:

F as in Frank I R as in Retard E D as in Dumbass

Right now I kind of regret being an indexed weblink.

Well, kim, sorry, that's what you get for being annoying.

love and adoration,


Written, Friday, Dec. 19, 2003 at around: 11:48 AM

being sick at work sucks michael jackson's dick


I'm tired and poopin' and kim f as in frank a i b as in boy n as in nancy o won't shut the fuck up. Yak yak yak. I don't want to hear aobut your goddamn palm piolt or your fucking battle of the bands or how drunk you go tlast night. SHUT UP KIM! SHUT UP!!!

You make me want to say mean things to you. Out loud. In the office.

You're so annoying that you're getting on kirsten's nerves too, and she's a pretty patient woman. Shut the fuck up-- s as in shut h as in hate u t the f as in fuck u c k as in YOU KIM shut the fuck up.

Shut the fuck up kim. Everyone needs work, so I had to hustle a bunch of shit together in 15 minutes, which wasn't fun, because hustling while you've got intestines filled with diarheea sucks.

My ankles are sore, and I didn't want to come to work today. My bed is in my apartment, and it's lonely.

Frank might give me an early christmas present today. "might" he said. He told me he's getting me starbucks hot chocolate for chirstmas. The mix? An empty cup? A gift certificate? A 3 week old cup filled with what once was starbucks hot chocolate?

I could use a starbucks hot chcolate right now. Maybe my tummy would hurt less.





Fuck this!

I'm going home to my cat, dvds, bed and microwave.

don't call me until after 5, cause I'll be sleepin.

love and adoration


Written, Friday, Dec. 19, 2003 at around: 8:23 AM

another serious entry

I wrote this serious entry about what I'll do when my mom dies, how pissed off I was that the guy who encouraged me to get an abortion didn't even come with me to hold my hand (when I went so far as to ask! I never ask for shit!) and how insensitive I am.

I didn't feel comfortable publishing all that stuff. It's like opening an infected wound and me going, Hey! look! Isn't it all gross in here?

Yeah, I'm a little weird

I got my journal project thingy in the mail today. I'm so excited, I'm going to go create, create, create. mostly using post it notes, my cool ass pen and scraps of things that mean something to me.

Other than that, I saw a very emotional oscor reeling in kinda flick yesterday. It was good, but sad.

I don't really feel much like updating, because my tummy hurts and I have the shits at work. I'm goign to potty now.

love and adoration


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