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Written, Monday, Sept. 22, 2003 at around: 3:45 PM

Things I hate.

Things I hate:

Smalltalk in the ladies room at work with anyone I didn't walk in with. If I'm about to take a shit, I don't want to know about your goddamn cat.

People who don't turn their cell phone ringers off while in the office. If your phone is way expensive and has cool ringtones, guess what the fuck else it has? A vibrate function, you inconsiderate btich.

People who say hi to you 3 or more times a day like it's the first fucking time they saw you. Bitch, you said hello at 9am, it's 3, you don't have to say it the fuck again.

Rude customers in any type of business. Everywhere I've worked, people are fucking rude-- education, information technology, customer service, entertaniment, publishing, automotive, all of them have customers with the abliity to be assholes. Usually they just roll off my back, but sometimes they just need to die.

Yes, die.

Okay, that is all.


Written, Monday, Sept. 22, 2003 at around: 4:40 PM

Monday, fuckin' monday

Hey there,

Today has gone from a real fucked up ass day to a not so bad, I'm glad to be alive day.

Yes, I'm still at work.

It's 4 pm and I've only spent one dollar so far today. It'll be probabally about five dollars by the end of the day, because I need to buy some soft batch cookies. They didn't have any at the supermarket when I went last night (Yeah, i went food shopping.) But that's beside the point. I'm getting soft batch cookies, because you've gotta have them when you play Xbox live.

Well, I do... Are you questioniing me? I like my fucking cookies. This is my outlet.



I really need to get something to eat, because I'm totally starving. I had pea soup for lunch today, and that's what I'll eat tomorrow too. Blech. Pea soup is good, and it's cheap, but it's not particularly satisfying. The brand I bought isn't quite hearty enough to stick to my ribs, so I'm kind of in hunger limbo. I may or may not pick up something to snack upon on my way home. Mmm, Ice cream... from mcdonalds.

I need to start walking more, or get into an excercise program, because I'm under the impression that I'm gaining weight. Mostly because the little thingy on the scale sits in the middle of the bar when I put it at a higher weight.

That's a real bummer, because I was well on my way to staying 140. I don't want to be fat, so I'm trying to manage my weight by not eating too much red meat (again. That diet always works for me), and staying away from bread as much as possible (also really works for me.) I knew I was gaining weight the second my boobs started feeling a little perkier than usual. This is all due to the pregancy patch. It makes me hungrier (or makes me think I'm hungrier) so I eat more. I like to eat, but I dislike the idea of bering overweight, so every now and again I fluxuate between 140 and 160. Anything over 160 is truly gross, and unacceptable for this body type.

Pam has spoken.

Plus, I have to look hot, as it is expected of me. Can you people who do know me Imagine me not being hot? Feh to you if you can.

Next thing on my surface value meter is my skin. I'm still breaking out like a teenager in heat, and I don't know how to stop it. I wash my face 3 times a fucking day, and still get pimples like the 16 year old kid behind the counter at the pizza joint. It really, really really upsets me that I get these damn pimples, because I had pretty good skin as a teenager.

I guess this is my adult pennance for having good skin and not apreciating it. My bad, fuck dude.

Well, time to leave is approaching. I'm outta here. More updates later,

Love and adoration,


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