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Written, Monday, Jul. 21, 2003 at around: 4:55 PM

Weekend over


I can't concentrate. I've been trying for a couple of hours, but I just can't.

So you guys get an update. Aren't yall special!?! Oh shit... this saturday is the blogathon! *_* That just dawned on me a couple of hours ago. I haven't solicted any donors, written anything, or even prepared for the event. I've seriously been slacking! I guess I'm not going anywhere this weekend, lol.

Well, okay-- blogathon time! I'm sending an email once I've finished writing this, so that's what's up. On July 26th I'm going to participate in a charity event for the .org of my choice. I've selected Amnesty international. They're really awesome people who do wonders for oppressed people everywhere! (don't I sound all miss america today, lol!)

Well, the basis of this event is that you stay up for an entire 24 hours, and that gives it the marathon challenge... making it meaningful and whatnot. Making a difference through this magical internet. *laughs*

Anyway, I'll probabally have a party on saturday (short notice like a motherfucker, right?) and invite some fun people. "Fun people" may very well include you, so keep a look out for my email or my number on your caller id.

I'm watching you.

In other news, I seen da Leauge of dem Extrodiary Gentlemen over the weekend. It's an interesting, yet boring story of why-- Michael L and Jason wanted to see Bad Boys two bad, too ghetto. Much like when we went to see the hulk, Francis (frank... that's his name... my boyfriend) and Pamela (that's my name... me) tagged along... because we wanted something to do. Not so much because we had a burning desire in our souls to see will smith pretend to be ghetto and martin lawrance pretend to be... himself.

So Frank, Jay, Mike and I drive up there in Frank's car. Frank called our asians of choice- Peng and John, and asked them if they wanted to join our happy movie parade. Craziain John passed, and Peng decided to join us after he had a personal debate. So, yay! We're going to the movies. I was *SERIOUSLY* PMSing. Like, everything was either terribly depressing or getting on my damn nerves, but I was very thankful not to be in the house on a friday night, so I did my best to keep the majority of my smart-ass comments to myself. I'm pretty sure if I had said most of what I thought that day, I could have started a few fights with people I don't know, lol. So I didn't say nothin.

I did, however, think about hitting this really ugly guy at the theater right in his face.

Thank god for vaginas, huh?

Well, anyway-- we got up to the theater, but Bad Boys was sold out. My inner white girl said, "Ohmigod, thank goodness, I didn't really want to see the stupid film anyway. They're just so... urban" Then my inner fat girl said, "FEED ME AGAIN."

lol, inner fat girl-- I love that one. :-D

Anyway, the flick was sold out, right? None of the boys wanted to see Finding Nemo ... bastads. I will see that movie by the end of this week, come hell or high water! LOL-- so we all kind of hummed and hawed about not wanting to see anything else, really, and agreed to see the Leauge of Extrodinary Gentlemen, starring the king of the extrodinary accents-- Sean Connery, who I might say is among the two old fucks who still look pretty damn hot for their age.

(Sean and Arnold are old as shit, but they're still pretty hot... but not hotter than dorien grey's actor, or legolas... keep it straght, keep it real... word-- oh and Justin, can't forget justin, lol)

So the guys buy the tickets, while I paid the price for having an inner fat girl and head off to the bathroom, lol. We ended up waiting a really long time to get into the theater, so we hung out in the lobby. We're quite a motely crew-- three white guys of various waist sizes, a black girl... sorta, and this little chineese dude who has a big head. A strange group. Anyway, we were watiing for like, ever. Since the red-headed-bitch was packing her shit and getting ready to visit me over the weekend, I had very little "Stand around and wait" patience. That "I almost hit some ugly fuck in the face" moment occured while we were wating. We were told about three times that our theater was going to open in ten minutes. That's a half-a-fucking-hour. I refrained from getting a direct attitude with the ticket taking guys who meant no harm, and we got into the theater.

Thank god.

The movie itself was pretty damn good. I'd go into it, but I want to ruin... I mean, give a review later. I would spoil the end, but it's kind of obvious how the damn thing ends after Captian Nemo turns into Sherlock Holmes... I mean, duh. Let me just say that I liked it more than Dumb and Dumberer (which I enjoyed, goddamnit), and almost as much as 28 days later (which I might go see again). I might go to see The Leauge again, but only after I see Finding Nemo, which many humans have told me is the best film they've seen this year. I guess they saw the lord of the rings last year, because the best movie I saw this year is still The Lord of The Rings, Two mo-foin' Tzzowers Too Fabolos.

*laughs at her failed attempt at being "urban"*

Well, I have to pee, and it's quittin' time. Word up to my homies, and all that cool stuff that the urban kids say. One! *laughs*

Love & Adoration


Black smiley face (nose like mine!) ----->(c:

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