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Written, 2001-09-05 at around: 8:20 a.m.

Me and Gabi, round 2: My silent war

Well, I'm offically the immature one. I don't have any money, yet I'm rolling around saying that I'm going to go to my little "Anime club." This is going to be a very interesting year. You see, I met my friends Illy, Gabi, Amy and anyone else who has to do with anime through this anime club. I was introduced to Temple's anime club through my friend Amanda. I know Amanda from a website called She's a great girl, and since she knew that I liked anime, she invited me to come to her anime club. So I went after a bit of prodding. Now I'm involved with all these people, and I've dug myself a somewhat shallow grave that I'm not too comfortable with getting in just yet.

I became friends with Gabi about 5 months or so ago. Not really close friends, but friends who shared common intrests of like well... anime, star trek and other geeky things. I was cool with her and she just so happened to have her own spot, and I was living with, well-- no one. I had no real place to live, and nowhere that I wanted to go. I hate my mothers house, and I've already imposed enough on my aunt.... I'm going to edit this later, as I tire of writing.


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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?