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Written, Monday, Aug. 18, 2003 at around: 11:13 PM

Weekend update, yo

Hey there,

Ah, the day is drawing to a close. I came home and looked through my jewlery and realized that in the past few months, I've bought a lot of inexpensive, yet nice looking jewlery. Earrings, rings, and a couple of necklaces. I think I'm going to start buying more jewlery again. Before I get around to doing that I have to buy myself a jewlery box. Nothing fancy, just a nice wooden box that won't open if it hits the ground. That's a serious worry of mine, because my cat enjoys going into the tiny boxes I keep my jewlery inside and taking random pieces around my apartment. That's the biggest reason why I need one nice box to keep all this stuff inside of.

I had a nice, fairly relaxing evening at the gabi compound watching Chris Rock with Latrice and Gabi. Latrice let me borrow the Jeffersons season 1 dvds. I love this fucking show. Now a bit of reading, followed by the DVDs that Trice let me borrow, and relaxing here at home, followed with a bit of masturbation, and a good night's sleep will top off a very nice week.


This was one of the nicer weekends. In fact it could be said that this was one of the nicer weeks. There was a lot of hang-outtage. Karaoke, Baseball, movies, movies, movies, and food.

My period was on last week (that sounds like I should have a magic wand-- period on! period off!), and somehow the worst mood swing I had was when I saw Ex Boyfriend Guy during the karaoke outing. Oddly, that was still during the pre-crimsion surfing event. Otherwise, it�s been a very peaceful, lovely, and fun-encrusted week.

Thursday, Frank and I went to the the NAPCO baseball outing at Vet Stadium. It was fun, even if the Red Sox weren�t playing the Phillies. Yes, I now know that the brewers play in Milwaukee (and other cities like philadelphia, but mostly Milwaukee). Actually I kinda did know that, but I heard brewers and just automatically thought �People in boston drink a lot!� I�m just not always the sharpest spoon in the shed. The dollar hot dogs were too awesome (we got like six, lol), and I realized just how many people who work in this fucking office I don�t know. I said hi to a lot of people, but I didn� t know most of their names. That sucked, because that left me with like two people to introduce frank to during the entire event. I felt kinda bad, and then we saw a guy who looked like a real life Peter Griffin (ala family guy), another guy who looked like Fraiser, and a woman who had a totally 1993 haircut... then suddenly nothing mattered anymore.

The game was pretty decent, very defensive. The phillies won. Yay Phillies!

Frank made fun of a lot of people, which always makes for quality entertainment. I laughed, and learned a couple of new baseball rules. Fun, very fun.

Friday, we (We= Jason, Mike L, Dante, Noy, Darrell, Frank and myself) went to go see Jason vs Freddy- or Freddy vs Jason.... yeah. Well, we saw that. It was a fun movie, albeit very cheesy. I enjoyed it, and for once when we all exited the theater, everyone agreed that it was a fun movie to watch. I haven�t given a movie sorta-review in a while (I never got around to giving one for American Wedding... sorry yall), so maybe I�ll do that now.

There�s the normal Nightmare on Elm street intro where freddy�s all boasting about the kids he�s killed over the years, and how he goes about killin� em. Then he�s like... they forgot me! Freddy is sad. Freddy wants to kill! Kill Freddy, Kill! But freddy can�t kill... all the kids forgot about him. They aren�t afraid anymore. Freddy is pissed! Freddy gets all up in Jason Vorhees� brain! Oooh freaky! Jason wakes up. Queue in gore and blood. Jason kills random kids who are fucking, drinking, and getting high on e. E stands for errrvrything. Jason represents natural selection, and punishment. Scary! Freddy decides that he wants to kill things now. Freddy gets up in some sleeping kid�s head. Freddy represents your fears and all that is evil.Creepy! Freddy tries to kill things. Freddy FAILS. Freddy is pissed. Jason tries to kill Freddy. Freddy is pissed! Freddy wants to stop killing kids, and kill jason instead! Queue in dream world fight. Jason�s biggest fear is children. Freddy uses little children to kill jason in his dream. Freddy FAILS. Freddy is pissed. Mother fucking Michael Myers makes a cameo! Viewers are pissed! Random kids decide that Freddy and Jason have to die. They go to Jason�s lake. Freddy and Jason Fight. Kelly Rolland dies. Viewers are pleased! Freddy and Jason fight more! Freddy wins a battle in the real world for once! Viewers who like Jason are pissed! Freddy takes Jason to the dream world, and plots to use his new jason slave to kill more one day. Movie end.

Heh. I love doing that.

So that movie kicked ass. Well, the movie I saw kicked ass a lot more than the one you just read about. After seeing the movie, jason darrell frank and I went to the diner, and discussed the movie. Well, they discussed the movie, and I laughed. Funny boys.

Saturday. I did my laundry, played super mario world on gameboy SP, and then cleaned my apartment on and off all day. That was very exciting. Earlier in the day, I had emailed Frank, and invited him over for dinner and a movie. I would cook us some dinner and then we�d watch The Ring on in-demand pay per view. In demand PPV is the most awesome thing ever. You get access to a movie for 24 hours, and you can play it anytime, at your will like a DVD. You even get controls like fast forward, rewind, and stop. How awesome is that?

So he comes over, and we sit down and watch some random tv for a few minutes. Random viewage brings us to the Discovery Channel�s Shark Week festivities. Shark week has been a part of my life for years, but mostly it�s the same shit over and over, every year. This year they had something a little extra. This show we watched was about how a shark bite works, and these few people who were attacked by sharks on camera. The one guy is one of them motherfuckers. I say one of them motherfuckers because he�s dedicated his life to studying sharks. Now I understand that we, the dominant, earth shaping, and ever modest species that humans are need to understand the ins and outs of every animal on the planet that could kill us easily. This guy was just a little nuts though.

He�s chilling in shallow water where about eight sharks are just circling him and his buddy. Then a shark chomps on his calf, and takes the man with it for a little while. Holy fucking shit! They show him after the shark encounter, and he�s got this little bum bone leg. Somehow he can still walk, which is amazing. Frank goes, �The best part is in the last 10 minutes of the show,� he was really excited. His sister told him about the show, and he saw the uncensored leg biting. Quote Frank, �It�s great!� Holy fucking shit, yo. We watched two hours of this show, and toward the end, I started making our dinner. Shrimp and pasta, ha ha ha! So they show this motherfucker who now has a bum bone leg get his calf muscle get bitten off by this shark. Holy fucking shit. They show the man being carted out of the water, and his leg is all fucked up. There are strands of what was once muscle tissue, fat, and skin. It looked like bits of spaghetti dangling down from his bone.


As sick as it sounds, that shit was fun to watch. S�gettii bum leg.

So I cook up dinner, we eat it, and we started watching the Ring. Okay, I really like scary, thrilling, psychological movies, although they often freak me out. I like being freaked out. In my dvd collection: The Cell (disturbing), Girl Interrupted (psychological), Vanilla Sky (Psychological), Fight Club (psychological). The other day, my mom was telling me about how when I was really little and saw a scary movie for the first time, I was really scared. I remember seeing The Night of the Living Dead (The eighties remake) when I was about six or so. It freaked me out so bad, dude.

But since I was a kid, I haven�t really be scared by a movie. I�ve been a little disturbed by movies... like the cell, that shit�s disturbing.... but I haven�t been legitimately scared in ages.

The ring was fucking awesome. It scared me. Frank scared me too! Okay, I�m a girl, right? I�m allowed to be a wuss every now and again. The ring is the scariest movie I�ve seen in my adult life, and most my movie watching experience was spent holding on to Frank�s arm taking solace in the fact that he was watching the scary fucking movie with me. Then, if you haven�t seen the ring, here�s a part of the plot for you-- you watch this video tape, it�s like someone�s nightmare. After you watch it, someone knows that you�ve watched it. They call you on the phone and say, �You will die in seven days.� Seven days later, lo and behold! You�re dead! So in like the middle of the movie, Frank starts digging something out of his pocket, and my cell phone rings. At first I was like, �Ohmyfucking god,� but then I realized that frank was calling me. I subsequently explained to him in impolite terminology that he should have sexual intercourse, and told him that he was similar to a sphincter muscle.

Sexual intercourse you! LOL, that�s not even right.

So the movie was fucking scary. Seven days! The little girl is gonna eat me!!!! LMAO I really liked it, and would like to get it on dvd. Frank is nice, he stayed with me for a good while after the movie was over (I was -obviously- a little disturbed by the movie). So nice.

Sunday. I watched the Ring on in demand a couple of times more, and had a sudden urge to play final fantasy x. An urge that was satisfied. I am no longer freaked out by the movie. Okay, maybe a little. I organized my movie tickets from the past year into a cronological pile, and made plans to go to Outback Steakhouse with the guys. Fun! So frank comes by and brings an unmarked video tape with him. He has a good sense of humor. I saw the tape in his hand when I answered the door and was like, aw man, that�s not cool. So he sticks the video in the VCR (the VCR he just kinda gave me by the way, how nice is that?) and we watched the dave chappelle comedy special from ages ago. It was funny. I now have a longing desire to run into someone�s home, clock them upside the head with a blunt object, and sprinkle crack on them. Yay!

So we went to outback and ate with mike, jay, darrell, peng, the new fuckin� guy from whitman Tom, Sean the whitman store manager and his girlfriend Kelly. They�re a bunch of funny people.

Outback was a good time. Steak, crazy fun people, and Kelly�s breasts. I've grabbed them a couple of times. They�re very soft. If there was ever anyone without any inhabitions and didn�t give a shit, it�d be Kelly. Kelly also bit my right nipple through my shirt. Not a hard bite or anything, but, well, close enough.

So last week was ultra busy, and this week should prove to be the exact flip side. That'll be nice, I like variety. Every week should be unique.

Love and adoration,


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