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Written, Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at around: 11:29 PM

I'm writing this at home (yay!)

How long has it been?

Far too long. I write this entry from the comfort of my cheaper-than-your-rent apartment. Praise the lord that is residential high speed internet.

It's saturday, meaning that I'm going to waste a lot of time today, and do a lot of nothing. This translates into it being a perfect time to re-egnite my ongoing courtship with the internet. After I buy the cable modem a nice dinner, and kiss it softly on the lips, I intend to have an orgasam or two.

I've got a lot of new porn to catch up on.

Well, said orgasam will pale in comparison to the one that I had after I finished connecting my router. Yes, I'm a nerd, and technology makes me wet. Don't like that? Suck me. The apropriate term would probabally be "Eat me," and/or "Lick me," as I'm female and all... but, whatever. I'd like to use the term "Fuck me" because I don't really dig receving oral sex, but "Fuck me" coming from yours truly is bearly an insult. Really though, I'm a alright looking young woman with an okay body and a nice personality (read: two thearpy sessions above not being a complete bitch). Lots of people want to fuck me.

Very few have. Those lucky bastards-(ette).

I'm not even really big on that whole internet porn thing. I mean, nudity is easily accessable online, but I'm really a meat and potatoes kind of girl.

Ah, how I miss writing candid, snarky, heavily profainity-laiden entries while not having to be worried that a co-worker is peering over my sholder. Ew, I just used snarky in a sentance. I'm offically a diaryland clieshe. Anyway, getting back to the point here... Writing about sex in public places is a difficult task.

Wait-- let me reprhase that.

Writing about my sexual opinions, sexual prefrences, and sexual experinces is a difficult task when at a publicly accessable computer. Ah, glad I could clarify.

You know, diaryland (suprisingly) has helped me develop as a conversational writer. I've been writing in journals for years, and years-- since I knew how to write. In the past 2, almost 3 years, I think my personal writing has developed quite a bit. Finally I have a bit of style to speak of. Although it was completley stolen from some other people, there's style none the less.

It seems as though when I have to write, words flow out of me a little clearer than how they fumble out verbally. Not by much, though. My mind is always filled with ten thousand thoughts, and clerifying them each into piles, and then having to express, explain, and discribe what I see in my head to other people is a fucking difficult task. Thanks ADD, I aprecaite the thought.

My writing is probabally easier for other people to understand, because I can sit and think before I write. I tend not to think much before I speak (or during the act of speaking), which makes me sound like a bitch, or short tempered alot. Sometimes it's true... I can be a bitch. Sometimes it's not... I don't always mean things to sound the way I say them. A lot of phrases that I use are misunderstood.

Like I mean, "I wish you were never born." Who hasn't had that one misunderstood? Jesus, when did these people get so goddamn sensitive?


Yo, okay, I've got digital cable. I think I like it, and really don't want to get rid of it. That's now, and there seems to be a huge lack of premium channels. I can get no premium channels with regular cable, screw digital. Anyway, I'm watching Three's Company. Dude, Jack was so gay. I didn't fully understand it when the show was first on tv, because I was like 3, but dude. He's not fucking either of those girls, and he's all about cooking creme' brulee and whatnot. Sure, he was straight.

About as straight as I'm urban.

Heh... Anyway, as much as I'd like to give a nice yesterday filled update, I'm a little tired. I was up till four last night, and woke up at like, seven... and now it's midnight. I'm a tad tuckered out. I'm gonna go pass out in front of the tv. Have a great evening, and an even better tomorrow morning.

Love and adoration,


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