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Written, Thursday, Aug. 21, 2003 at around: 4:46 PM

Astrology, brought to you by um... me.

Hi people,

This is another pretty bright and cheery day. Again, nothing particularly spectacular, but it�s been a sparkling glimmer of inner yay-ness (if only yay could be an emotion), and some quality concentration on mundane tasks. It�s always a good feeling to scratch stuff off of lists. There are days when the simple things in life, such as finishing a lot of shit that needs to get done, and simotaneously listening to streaming-internet radio are totally kickass.

It doesn�t take very much to make me feel good.

I�m feeling a little hyper today, like a kid. Ass-shaking music comes out of this iMac, and I have a longing desire to get up and dance. Needless to say (but I�ll say it anyway) there is a good deal of caffiene in my system.. Every day that I inhale coffee like it�s water, I realize there is a lot more truth to the fact that coffee is a diaretic than I had previously imagined. Nothing is better than a quality coffee-induced shit, man.

Okay, on to less vulgar topics...

I�m really feeling an outing to Karaoke coming up this Saturday. I haven�t karaoke�d on a Saturday since it was cold outside. That was way back when I�d be chillin� with Ileana after I got finished working at Game Stop. That was totally a good while and a half ago. It�ll probabally just be Alli and myself this weekend, seeing as how the rest of the people we know are just a large collection of sticks in the mud who don�t like to have fun!

I�m kidding.

They like to have fun, just not too much of it, I suppose. How can one have too much fun?

I think Alli did last week, yet her hair did not...

Speaking of lots of fun, since the money in my pocket is no longer as tight as the Olsen Twins, I�m in a real �Lets go here, and here, and afterwords we can go there,� kinda mood.� This is entierly too awesome. It once again feels like the world is at my fingertips, and I can do anything I damn well please. That�s a good fucking feeling. If only I could sell it on ebay.

Ohhh, yeah-- while I�m thinking of it-- what the fuck. A couple of days ago I recived a link from El Boyfriend, Frank and frequent journal read, MH Space that said that astrology was proved to be a heaping load of incorrect and smelly crap.� It�s still on the index page of my guestbook. Yeah, I�ve read such articles before, and they give a pretty good explination of why people born the same day, who should have similar charts are completly different, and are nothing like any of the other people born at almost the same moment. It amuses me that science is willing to fork out dough for studies about astrology.

Then again, maybe I shouldn�t laugh at science. I like science, so long as I don�t have to study it. Science is logical, and I like a lot of logical things. Maybe I�m wrong. Perhaps my belief in astrology is a complete waste of my time, and I�ve ruined my eyesight by reading scores of astrology books and it�s been for no real reason. It�s entierly possible that there�s no way that the moon, stars, and other planets in our solar system have any influence on our behavior and personalities.

Well, maybe, yeah.

At the same rate, I believe that the people who spend their lifetimes with their noses plugged into the christian/judaic bible are all a bunch of fools who believe in an imaginary creator who will punish them after death if they do wrongs while alive and a magician who turned water into wine.

Come on now. Both theroies are pretty far off, and both leave a lot to the imagination. Both therories are fairly unprovable, and require faith moreso than any particular amount of �research�. Both therories sound pretty goddamn stupid when examined from a third party perspective. But I like mine better. I�m American. I can believe crazy things if I wanna, and I�m quite fond of astrology.

As a human being, of course I�m pretty skeptical of everything. Sometimes I think about the fact that astrology often is -quite- wrong about people�s personalities. I mean I�m hardly the average Aquarius. I�m not perversley different from everyone else. I don�t have an exceedingly sensitive sense of humanity. Oh wait I do. But the point that these scientists who prove astrology wrong on a regular basis are trying to make, is that Astrology is completly subjective. In the back of my mind where all of my logic lives, I believe that. I believe that I see people as the astrological sun sign they are because I know what the personality traits are, and I can explain why they do certian things through that.

I mean, I could easily say that I- the cool, humanitarian Aquarius- am a firey, life-thespain Leo. I�m pretty headstrong. I enjoy being a leader. I can have a temper sometimes. I love having tons of attention poured upon me like I�m ice cream and attention is a bottle of chocolate syurp being held by a four year old. Sure. Astrology is pretty subjective. Then again-- most religons are subjective.

Followers take what they want from their religon, and do it their way... I don�t like to call astrology a religon, because I�m not a huge fan of religons of any kind. I do believe certian things though, like everyone. Yeah, astrology is not always right, but it gives me something to believe in. It gives me security and something to grasp on to. The safe warm feeling that people who go to church get from believing that there�s an all knowing being watching out for them somewhere is similar to how I feel about having faith in astrology.

I believe that Pisces people are the nicest people on earth and they get their feelings hurt more easily than most, and all deep down want to be writers, poets, or actors. I believe that Scorpio people are the most passionate and equally manpulitve people who walk this earth with a sexy stride. I believe that every Aquarius on earth wants to be your friend, own the newest technology and promote equality. In my mind every Leo on earth wants to be famous, have a family and be on top in bed. I think that I�ll never meet an earth sign (taurus, capricorn, virgo) that I get along with for longer than a year because they�re too stubborn and most of them are boring, outright stupid, or somehow are able enjoy working more than living life. If you�re an earth sign, I�m not sorry. I�m fairly sure that I�ll always have air and water signs in my life, because they�re so easy to talk to.

Yeah, I believe that you-- the person reading this right now-- are fairly similar -personality wise- to a good 1/12th of the rest of humanity.

That�s just what I believe. Yeah, it�s a little silly, and sounds pretty effing crazy. Maybe I�m wrong. If I am wrong, guess what? I don�t really care.

Okay, this has gone on for far too long... I can�t have a debate with myself!! I�ll write something less argumentitive later.

Love and adoration,


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