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Written, Sunday, Oct. 26, 2003 at around: 10:48 PM

Random weekendness or Another Postcard


Obviously this is not Table of 9: Volume 2. I'm not in the mood to write that at the moment. That being done, how about some observations, and other statments of the obvious from the past couple of days:

Latrice, her "Friend" Dan and I went to Great Adventure for Latrice's birthday. It was an... expereince.

I am still very much afraid of heights, but I'm not so intimidated by rollercoasters.

I hate teenagers. A lot. Especially the boys in groups. Race is not a factor. Sorry if you're a teenage boy. You'll be in your 20's soon.

Chicken and shrimp are like long lost buddies that need to hang out more often.

I hate the northeast section of Philadelphia... like seriously.

So does Frank my boyfriend, if you're unfamiliar.

I've really taken to calling Frank "Tiger." It makes me smile every time I say it. Yes, somewhat because of the "Mauled by a tiger," thing. I'm also partially amused by the slightly amusing peter parker refrence, but mostly because I think it's adorable. I'm a girl, okay? He kinda seems to like it and I think it fits him... not because he's particuarly tiger-like, you know, like... I don't really see Frank sneaking up behind unsuspecting woodland creatures and/or people, pouncing on and proceding to eat them. It's because if you put the strength of a tiger into a verbal assault, that'd be Frank.

That man needs to get drunk at least once per quarter, lol. At some point, I'm gonna take him out somewhere without his car and get him really fucking drunk. Expect an awesome entry the day that occurs.

I really, truly wish that I had known that the barenaked ladies were such an amusing band before this weekend. I'm all about their music right now. It's all Frank's fault. He's like my entertainment broker.

What I'm listening to religously: Barenaked ladies, various tracks from the Kill Bill soundtrack (Because I can't figure out how many tracks are on the cd), Ludicris. Delicious and random. Mmm mmm good.

I wish I had a million dollars.

Yes, I have always wanted a monkey.

Postcards from forigners with images of chimpanzees should be addressed to me!

Okay, I'm just responding to music now, lol.

There are other things I wanted to say, but I'm all wrapped up in this song, and the idea of going to bed. It's been a long weekend, and I have work tomorrow. Plus, it's really like, midnight. Damn daylight savings time ending. I shake fist.


Love and adoration


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