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Written, Tuesday, Apr. 29, 2003 at around: 2:07 PM

only 7 till 400

This is my 393rd entry.

The shadow of 400 nears!

Okay, anyway, today was the second day at that place called work. Today, it was explained that sucking up hours is not only accepted, but encouraged. That's just what I did. I found me some extra work, and finished it off. Oddly, I'm the fastest typist on my shift, so I can get a lot accomplished in 5 hours. This is a data entry gig, so I mean, it's no great big honkin' deal, but you have to understand that there hasn't been work in my life for ages.


Yesterday, there was a trip to a diner with Frank and John. We ate, laughed and so on. Frank had some yummy looking pasta that upset his stomach, and Joh was, well, John. Not too much happened while at the diner, or afterwords for that matter. I did find it interesting that in the middle of the night I awoke with stomach pains. Not like, an upset stomach, or that I'maThrowUpAllOverTheRoom feeling, but pain. This lasted for a while until I went potty.

I've been farting ever since.

This would lead one to believe that the food we ate was tainted, but who knows. I'm gonna take a shower, and finish this entry in a bit.

Okay... I'm all dry now :-D

So, anyway, I have no idea what the remainder of the day has in store. It's a very odd feeling to have already finished work, and look at my clock here at home that says, 2:49. It's almost like still being unemployed.

Who am I kidding, no it isn't.

Well, I don't know what I'm going to do now, but it isn't going to involve sitting in this uncomfortable chair anymore.

Love and adoration


Written, Monday, Apr. 28, 2003 at around: 2:04 PM

Oooh, fixed 'da layout


So to the left are those wacky drop-down lists that I'd been talking about. I'm lazy, yes?

There are two. One, with black text has functional links, like guestbookness and my older entries page. The second list, with the red text has links to other people's journals.

Yeah, the list got shorter, and mostly because I'm lazy. Well, also because I decided not to link to anyone who I haven't met in real life. No real reasoning behind that, I just decided that it'd be weird to link to the personal journals of people who's faces I've never laid eyes upon. Yeah, that sounds really fucking dumb coming out of me, but so do a lot of things.


And for those who were complaining to me... I'm very easy to get in touch with. I have a phone, damnit!! If you want to hear from me so badly, then it is up to you to contact me, because I'm far lazier than any of you people.

Yes, I said you people.

That is all.

Love and adoration,


Written, Monday, Apr. 28, 2003 at around: 1:24 PM

My new job, and kittens


I just got home from work. Yes, work.

It feels really good to be among the employed again. Even though my �ber cool job isn't perfect, I love it anyway. It feels good to have an ounce of responsiblity again, and have goals. I like goals. Shortly I'll turn back into the normal, working Pam. Who tends to be more of an assertive asshole than the really wussy bitch that you've all had the pleasure to read about.

I'm really tired, man. :-P Despite efforts of a well meaning boyfriend, I didn't get much sleep. Even after getting offline at a decent hour, I still ended up going to bed around 2. Hopefully I'll grow out of 2 am being an early night. I'm not really a morning person, but there are two main reasons I gladly accepted the morning shift. 1, I can leave early. 2, my mom works the afternoon shift. Enough said.

Anyway... The work is very easy, the hours are short, and the atmosphere is casual, almost EDU-like.

Almost EDU-like. I will not be showing up to this job in pajamas, as tempting as it may be.

Speaking of EDU, I got a chance to chat with Drew yesterday. It seems as though he, and everyone else who works there is getting, or already is married. It's like an outbreak. Drew sounds really happy, and he'd been talking about tying the ol' knot for a while. Yay Drew! Mike D also got married. He's not in my glossary anymore, but he's... special. I'm not sure if he and I got along, because I was always either hating him, or laughing at... I mean with him.

Anyway, Good for them! :-D

Springtime has sprung, and so have my allergies. That's always fun. Here's hoping that the pollen knows its place this year, and refrains from attempting to befriend me again. I'm afraid that isn't gonna happen. I don't feel very well, but hopefully it's all allergies, because this isn't the time for my ass to get sick!! Well, the rest of my body too.

Speaking of being afraid... Soon you can expect to read an entry on fear for those cool kids at Peices of you. I'm scared, 'cause I don't know what I'm gonna write about yet. Hopefully I'll think of something good.

Oh, and I'm sorry for all of you unsuspecting people who clicked on the links. Here's an apology.

Love and adoration,


Written, Sunday, Apr. 27, 2003 at around: 11:08 PM

a sunny day, not spent inside


I was gonna write this long entry about my new job and stuff. I start working tomorrow, which is great! So I wrote all this stuff, but it bummed me out a little bit, so I'm just going to talk about my day.

I got like, six phone calls this morning, man. Each call was from someone trying to get me out of bed. I guess that's a good thing, because eventually I got out of bed.

Got online... blah blah blah... hung out with sharee... blah blah blah... took a nap that was inturrupted about four times by people trying to get me out of bed... blah blah blah... finally got a call from Frank, inviting me outside.

Went outside, hung with frank, john and jay. Ate. Frank drove jay home, and that left Frank John and I. We had a nice time riding around in frank's car, going a lot of nowhere, taking in the fresh air, and stuff.

That, and while in center city, I asked some girl who was with her boyfriend to flash us.

She didn't.

A very chill day. Needless to say, I no longer feel like writing.

Love and adoration,


Written, Saturday, Apr. 26, 2003 at around: 5:56 PM

Stealing the good cable

Well, here's an update that no one expected,

If you're among the chosen few who live within my inner circle, or you're among the coveted Board of Trustees, you are probabally wonderng why the fuck I'm updating today. Well, to be honest, I'm wondering why too, but I ain't askin' no questions.

See, my lack of employment and money haven't allowed me to pay for some of my bills. Well, okay, I haven't paid any of them. One of those bills is my cable bill, and as we all know I have comcast high speed internet. That's all well and good, but without cable, I can't get no cable internet. Surely this is a concept that's easy for all of you guys to grasp.

Yesterday afternoon, Comcast brought a truck to my apartment buliding, set up a ladder, and phyisically disconnected my cable. In doing so, they also disconnected the nice old man who lives below me, George. George is a really cool guy, and he doesn't do much but watch baseball on tv, and chill out at the bar with the other old guys. So when he told me that his cable was gone too, I felt terrible. My lack of financial responsiblity destroyed an important part of a kind, elderly man's life.

Comcast was contacted, and aperently, this morning, they came and fixed the line. Since George and I share a line, they fixed my line too. Now, I can't get tv reception, which really doesn't matter too much to me. I don't watch a lot of television. I do, however, depend on the internet for all of my news, most of my daily entertainment, and a vehicle to contact most of my friends. So, for the time being I'm stealing internet cable.

Don't tell anyone.

I'm sure they're on to me, but it's not like I don't intend to pay them when I can afford it.

In other news, I recieved a check in the mail today for Four Dollars from the state of pennsylvania. Gone are the days of the three hundred dollar state refund. How I miss them so.

Well, it's rainy, and that makes for a sleepy pam. Here's hoping that when I wake up, I'll still have internet access.

I'm such a sucker

Love and adoration,


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