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Written, Sunday, Sept. 28, 2003 at around: 8:32 PM


Hey everyone,

I'm going to start writing and see where it lands me.

This weekend was okay. I'll update about it more later.

My boobs... look bigger. No, really-- they do. They're also a little sore. But we can all thank ortho evra for that. That's fine, because I don't mind. I'd rather be pregnancy free with sore boobs and no mood swings than pregnant with... sore boobs and mood swings. Bazing!

The boobs are okay though. They're just happy to be alive.

Soooo... I slept rather shittly last night. Why you ask? (I know you just answered that question with "I don't give a fuck," but it's my outlet so... well, fuck you.) because my tooth is insane. No, really. My tooth is crazy, and out of controll. Soon my tooth will be flying into tall buildings in manhattan.


These sort of things make me laugh.

I'm way to random to be writing an entry. I'm gonna go watch family guy, and perhaps eat fattening things because... I feel like it.

Love and adoration,


Written, Friday, Sept. 26, 2003 at around: 4:58 PM

An entry that's all over the place

Good day my fellow humans! Good day, indeed.

The rear lower right section of my mouth feels raw, and beaten, but my boobs are perky. It�s cloudy and drab outside, but it�s motherfuckin� friday!! My job is boring, but I get paid to be here.

Life isn�t so bad.

At least I�m not a Jew living in 1940�s Germany or a black child born in 1794 America. Life is good.

I just got finished reading this book, Night. Latrice lent it to me. It�s a haunting recount of the holocaust written by someone who survived. The holocaust was indeed horrible. I felt the terror, heartache and suffering of the prisoners. Not physically, but mentally, I was there with them. So sad!

I�m an empathetic person, what do you want?

Anyway, last night I was parsing the web trying to learn more about the holocaust, and came across this editorial titled, �The holocaust happened. Get over it.� The tag line actually made me laugh, although her intended statement was to shock. It takes a lot to shock this one, sister. It was written by a black woman, Kelly Cook- a junior at Cornell university. She made a passionate argument about how the holocaust is seen as a much more tragic event in world history than slavery.

Before all you white people start making your mental rebuttals, please realize that it�s true. Even a lot of black people (Who aren�t completely educated to the facts regarding slavery) would agree that the holocaust was way shittier than 400 years of slavey. Hell, there are black people who honestly believe that the outcome of the holocaust was worse than the outcome of slavery. Lets think about that for a minute. .
Done thinking? Okay, now let me pose a few facts, infuse them with my opinions, and lace them all with a few distasteful statements here and there.

Yeah, okay, I understand that the holocaust was a tragic, and terrible event. I read up about a lot of the events last night, and learned a lot. It does seem like Jews, as a people have gotten over it and have prepared to move on. As much as I don�t want to sound like a whining nigga, slavery was a totally different situation, and has had a real fucking influence over the minds of generations of people-- to this very day. Let�s analyze this for a minute.

Most niggas will use slavery as an excuse-- an excuse to be lazy, an excuse to just hate white people, an excuse to make tons of babies and live off of welfare. Okay, fine. I don�t give a shit about them. Let�s talk about black people. Black people hate slavery because of the injustice, the separation of families, and the lasting effect it has had on our people-- and I hate slavery, because it created niggas- and before you ask-- no I�m not being sarcastic.

The �Nigga mentality� is something, I�m pretty sure stemmed from the slave mentality.

Okay, enough of me attempting to satisfy my inner angry black woman. Yeah, slavery was intensely worse than the holocaust, and that�s that. Anyone who argues with me better be an eighty year old female german jew.

Ninety year old male german homosexual jews are also welcome to disagree.

I�m just a horrible person sometimes, I swear. Thank god for this ass.

My wisdom tooth has wrought all hell and damnation inside my mouth. I am possessed, and it sucks big time. I�m not so worried about eating like I was a good year ago, when this thing was kicking my jaw�s ass. I can eat, but it�s really sensitive. Sensitive to the point of my needing to tongue it so it doesn�t think I�m ignoring it. �Say you love my stinky ass, tongue!� Heh, My wisdom tooth is Jessica Simpson Leshay.

In other Pam�s Body news, I weigh more than I feel comfortable disclosing, but I still look hot. I saw myself in the mirror as I was leaving the bathroom earlier this afternoon (Yes, I did start writing this in the morning. I was busy today) and I said, �Hey girl, you up for some hot three way sex with me and my boyfriend?� Then I realized I was hitting on my reflection. I still responded, �How is he in bed?�


Ah, thank you Ortho Evra for these hunger pangs.

Since I�m gaining weight (and pam doesn�t like gaining weight) I�m trying my best to keep myself from eating too much. That�s difficult, because I honestly enjoy eating, but I have no desire to become overweight. Being �chunky� or �Fat� are words that are just not in my mental vocabulary. It�s vain, but hell, we all have our mental hang-ups, si? So, in efforts not to become my mother, I mean, fat-- I didn�t eat lunch today. Well, I had coffee, peanuts and these yummy sweet-cracker thingies. God, was that a fucking mistake. I�m so goddamn hungry, right now, dude. I know for a fact that I could sit down and eat a whole foot long cheesesteak, a large order of fries, and follow that shit up with a big bowl of ice cream.

I wouldn�t even need to come up for air.

But I�m not going to do that. I caved in and bought a breakfast sandwich on my way to work this morning. I figured since I can�t eat bread, a McGriddle� sammitch would be okay. They don�t consist of yeast bread:
a McGriddle� is egg and your choice of meats in-between griddle cakes with the taste of real maple syrup baked right in! Damn effective fast food commercials! Damn them all.

Yeah, the egg and sausage more than make up for the lack of yeast in my meal. I also had a hash brown. LOL, I�m the worst dieter ever. Okay, in case you missed it the first time, when I go on my �diets� I walk a lot more often, drink less soda (mostly because by the time I need to diet again, I�m closing in on diabeates, and need to cut my sugar too), don�t eat yeast-breads, and stay away from red meat. It works really well for me. Last time I dropped a ton of weight. Then again, I wasn�t eating McGriddles, lol.

Well, I�ll be able to make up for eating the McGriddle by getting my walk on. I�m gonna hike over to Frank�s job, and from there we�ll head off to the Phillies Game. Fun! Once we get to the stadium, I�ll eat natchos, and drink soda... Oh shit, I shouldn�t be drinking soda either. Well, fuck it. I�m not paying $3.50 for a fucking bottle of water. I�ll drink soda. At least that has bubbles and flavoring.

Okay, it�s just about five. I�m getting the fuck outta this peice. Ta ta!

Love and adoration,


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