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Written, Thursday, Sept. 25, 2003 at around: 10:15 PM

Sore boobies


I tidied up my apartment. It's nicer in here after vaccuming. I like a clean apartment, but I don't enjoy creating a clean apartment very much.

I've gained a bit of weight. We're working on that though, here in the apartment. Koi is watching me very closely. I'm trying to get used to the urge to eat compulsively... I'm not hungry, but I have this desire to eat anyway. I don't look fat, but I can feel the extra weight. Say whatever you want, you know I look good!

Bacardi and cola can get the job done with me, any day. Meeow.

Sorry, I'm random, and that's the way I likes it. I've had a very lovely non-human-interactive evening. I had forgotten how much I enjoy these.

I don't have anything intersting to write about... I just watned to write a supplementary entry about something so I could cover yesterday's bum-you-out entry.

Tomorrow is the start of the weekend (yay!) and there'll be a fun trip to the Vet, to see the Phillies set off some fireworks and turn the stadium lights off for the last time. Oh yeah, there'll be a baseball game too. Well, there's ineteresting stuff on tv, so I'm gonna go.

Love and adoration,


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