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Written, Saturday, Feb. 02, 2002 at around: 2:08 PM

What happened for my birthday

Yeah, so I've been 21 for over 24 hours.

It's gotten better.

I spoke to Glenn about all the stuff that happened regarding my phone bill. He told me he paid the entire 80 bucks and has a receipt. I'll believe it when I see it. If I was wrong, I'll be very understanding, but I'm not understanding shit until I see a receipt.

Otherwise, I went to Sisters last night. I really should have gone there for my birthday. Friday isn't really their busy night, which was a little difficult for me to digest. There was this mediocre band that consisted of two older lesbians wearing earthtone button down shirts and vests, with blue jeans on. They played indigo girls and some other covers that I wasn't familar with. Eh. I've had better. I walked in and ordered an alabama slammer. It was a little too ice filled, and too much cherry syurp -or whatever the hell the red shit in an alabama slammer is- in it, but it tasted good. I wasn't really going for the buzz, I was going for yummyness. I tipped the bartender (who looked a lot like a guy, but not in a cute way) 3 bucks.

The upstaris area is where all the fun happens. They've got a dance floor. Yesterday it was empty. I talked to the bartender (Who was really hot, well-- minus all of her peircings) and bitched about my birthday some. A girl bought me a shot-- called a redheaded slut. *laughs* I drank it up, and it was pretty yummy. I'll order it in the future. I sat around and looked at the dance floor. I danced a bit for one song (Gwen & Eve) and sat for about an hour before I looked at my phone and saw that I had missed a call.

I immediatly thought it was glenn, so I figured he was going to apologize (Because I was a real bitch on my birthday, man, let me tell you) about me feeling bad or something. It wasn't glenn, it was Samantha! It was rather late, so I wasn't about to call the girl. Then, I went home.

Wow, I lead such an exciting life.

So, anyway, let me talk about my birthday some, because I didn't write anything yesterday. It was one of my worst karmatic days ever. Aperently all the bad thoughts that I've been having about people have been building up. I allmost busted my ass three times in a row, it rained horribly (it was supposed to be sunny and 60 degrees out.. in philadelphia on january 31rst... I was excited... oh well.) Then, I was going to go pick up my refund check, but lo and behold, it was nowhere to be found. I guess it isn't coming in until next week. :-P. I could really use the money, because I had to PAY for my own birthday.

It isn't glenn's fault that he's broke. Wait, yeah it is. He needs to get a better job. Damn, I think I'm probabally a month away from finally breaking up with him. I mean, I'm finding all of these negitives. I'd rather have a break up than a divorce, if you know what I mean. Ha. Anyway, I paid for us to hang out at dave & busters, the land of video games, drinks, food etc. Pretty cool place. Expensive though. I spent about 60 bucks for us. It was pretty fun until we played pool. That was perhaps the worst game of pool I had ever played. I can't really discribe it because I don't know much about the game, so I'll just shut up about that one.

Then we went home. I didn't cook, and he didn't go get me anything to eat. So I read some of my books, looked at the pictures of anime that I've drawn, picked up a granola bar and apple sauce (Which I didn't eat) and I went to bed. Glenn wasn't in my apartment when I woke up. No big deal there, he's done it before. Whatever.

Anyway, today I'm going to go to Brownies 23 east tonight. kimmie invited the staff to come to a benifit thing for the Penn State dance marathon. Each year Penn State has this 48 hour dance marathon where they raise money for kids with cancer. It's a good event. So this thing tonight is going to donate all (and I mean all of their profits to this effort. I have to go, even if I can only afford the cover charge. Plus there's a party, and where there's a party is where I need to be. *laugh*

Well, my hands hurt from typing so much in a row. I'm going to end this thing now, and hope that everything works out.

Love and Adoration,


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