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Written, Monday, Dec. 22, 2003 at around: 10:57 AM

another one

I need help.

1. Name: Pamela Newman

2. Nickname: pam, pammie, peco, little pammie, Mia, Tink, Tinkerbell

3. Birthplace: Philadelphia

4. School: home schooled, community college of philadelphia, temple university, computer learning center

5. Croutons or bacon bits: croutons

6. Favorite salad dressing: French, italian oil-- Bonus! favorite kind of salad: Ceaser

7. What type of deodorant do you use: The kind that's strong enough for a man but made for a woman. That's a very stalkerish question.

8. Favorite shampoo or conditioner: Herbal Essances, the kind made for permed & colored hair

9. Favorite color: Sky blues, and pale purples

10. Good friends: Frank, Leighann, My mom oddly enough

11. One pillow or two: Two, I like variety.

12. Pets: Koi, my kitty. She's so sweet.

13. Favorite Movies: Damn... okay- Kill Bill, Amelie, All 3 lord of the rings movies, Beetlejuice, Scrooged, Vanilla Sky, Coming to America, The Prince of egypt, a bunch of others I can't think of right now.

14. Have you ever been skinny dipping?: LMAO, no... I may someday though, with the right encouragment.

15. Do you ever make fun of people?: Yeah, you dumbass, of course I do.

16. What's your favorite drink?: Smirinoff Ice Black

17. What's your favorite chick drink?: Too Many! Strawberry Margiritas, Mudslides, White Russians the list goes on.

18. Online crush?: There is honestly no one I'm crushing on online. My last online crush was on Auriel, but that was like 2 years ago.

19. Favorite type of music: Mostly pop, but I'm starting to like punk and alternarock again.

20. Hobbies: Being a geek: reading, writing, web surfing, singing, watching movies... karaoke & dancing when I have cash... traveling, also when I have cash.

21. Dream car: A blue honda accord. Yes, I dream of driving a honda accord.

22. Type of car you drive: I don't currently drive a car. The last car I owned was a bright fucking yellow 1996 ford festiva. The last car I drove was my grandfathers 1979 big-ass-truck from the pre-suv era.

23. Word or phrase you overuse: Awesome!

24. Toothpaste: Crest

25. Favorite food: My favorite food is always changing... I'm not sure

26. Do you get along with your parents: Barely. My mom is cool sometimes, but 85% of the time I wish she'd just shut the fuck up and leave me alone.

27. Favorite town to chill in: Anywhere that isn't philadelphia makes me very happy.

28. Favorite ice cream: Oreo Cookies & cream by bryers

29. Favorite pop soda: Vanilla Pepsi

30. What's your bedtime?: anywhere between 11pm and 2 am

31. Favorite shoes: Nikes

32. Favorite song at the moment: Ciggerettes & Chocolate Milk by this canadian guy

33. Favorite website: Too many to select from

34. Favorite subject in school: English

35. Least favorite subject: Calc

36. Favorite sport to watch: Football. MOVE THE CHAINS

37. Most humiliating moment: I'm not sure... I don't get humilated very easily... I guess the day at CCP when my exboyfriend told everyone a whole bunch of lies about what type of person I was, and he hurt my feelings really badly. I was banging on the glass like a retard, and that's pretty embarrasing behavior.

38. Craziest person or silliest person you know: Crazian John is the craziest person I know, and not just like goofy crazy, like I need my meds crazy. Silliest? Mike L.

39. Favorite Holiday: My birthday. Enough said.

40. What kind of work do you do: I am a techincal editor for a website and magizine. My job entails drawing xes over pictures in catalogs, a lot of data entry, materials managment, and staff managment. It's a cool job, I have "responsiblities."

41. Are you an inside or outdoors person?: Depends on the weather. I like to be outside in the spring fall and summer, but in the wintertime you can kiss my black ass. I'm staying inside.

42. Do you have children?: No.

43. Say one nice thing about the person that sent you this: I don't know the person I stole it from, but she seems prety cool.

44. Pierce your nose or tongue?: No, I'm cool.

45. Be serious or be funny?: Funny.

46. Boxers or briefs on guys?: Boxer-breifs, or nothing at all.

47. Whole or skim milk?: I hate milk.

48. Single or taken?: I'm taken.

49. Simple or complicated?: I'm simple minded, but kind of complicated to deal with.

50. Law or anarchy?: I hate to be the party crasher, but I'm all about law. Because with law, we can still have a bit of healthy anarchy. With nothing but anarchy, anarchy wouldn't be as fun, would it?

51. Flowers or angels?: Flowers. Angels are gay.

52. Gray or grey?: Jean Gray.

53. Read or write?: I'd write, because then I'd have to read what I'd written, and therefore would have damned the man yet again, lmao.

54. Color or black-and-white photos?: Color.

55. Sunrise or sunset?: Pink sunsets against a yellow and blue sky.

56. Rap or rock?: Rock.

57. Stay up late or wake up late? Stay up late to wake up late.

58. More romantic, tub or shower?: Romatic: Tub, Erotic: Shower..

59. Is it POP or SODA?: It's fucking soda.

60. X or O in Tac-tac-toe?: I usually let the other person pick first, it doesn't matter

61. Leather purse or knit purse?: Knit. Leather skeeves me.

62. Eat an apple or an orange?: Oranges, because the pesticieds they put on apples, combined with the way I eat apples always seems to bruise my lip.

63. What came first: the chicken or the egg?: The egg.

64. Wet Seal or Contempo?: Old navy.

65. Light or dark nail polish?: Light polish-- dark polishes are trashy

66. Tall or short girls?: Tall!

67. Emerald or ruby?: Ruby.

68. Pants or long skirt?: Pants.

69. Left or right?: Right.

70. 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend?: 2 best friends. I like varitey.

71. Vanilla or chocolate ice cream? Vanilla.

72. Leonardo DiCaprio or Tom Cruise?: Tom Cruise. Leo seems like such a dick to me.

73. Green beans or carrots?: Carrots

74. Low fat or fat free?: Ugh, I guess I have to start eating that shit now that I know I have high cholestorol... I don't know.

75. Ponytail or leave it down?: If I had more hair, I'd say ponytail, but I leave it down, because I don't have hair past my sholders.

76. Silver jewelry or gold jewelry?: Silver, I find gold tacky. It reminds me of old jewish women and racist italian women.

77. Kids or no kids?: Kids.

78. Cat or dog?: Cats.

79. Half-empty or half-full?: Half-full.

80. Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup.

81. Hardcover or soft-cover books?: Softcover. Me = broke. Plus, I don't like to buy books that I haven't heard a review of from a living breathing person I know.

82. Newspaper or magazine?: Eh, they're about the same to me. I read magizines more often, though.

83. Sandals or sneakers?: Sneakers. Oh, and can I please vouch for every girl taller than 5'8" when I say, "CAN YOU PLEASE MAKE MORE FUCKING FLAT SHOES???" thanks.

84. Red car or white car?: Red. Hot...

85. Hug or kiss?: Hug from people I'm not fucking, kiss and hug if you're fucking me. I'm not a touchy feely girl.

86. Corduroy or plaid?: I've grown out of my plaid stage... corduroy.

87. Happy or sad?: Happy.

88. Live or die?: Live. Duh.

Written, Monday, Dec. 22, 2003 at around: 9:49 AM

3 things thing

Apperently people are either lazy or just have no desire to read the quizzes/surveys link to the left, so I'm just gonna throw this one out here.


1. People who force their opinions on you. I have my opinions you have yours--- even if you're/I'm wrong, it's your/my opinion. Everyone's entitled to one.

2. People who revel in their stupidity.

3. Girls


1. Heights... but I'm more afraid of the idea of falling and busting my face open.

2. The idea of busting my face open... I have a serious fear of having my face mauled and being ugly for the rest of my life.

3. Being too far out in a large body of water to swim to shore/ swim whomever I'm with back to shore. It's a retarded fear, but cut me some slack, at least I'm not afraid of sunlight or something.


1. How to read music... and be able to play/sing from the sheet.

2. I'd like to learn to be fluent in any language... I know bits and peices of Japaneese and french, but not enough to live in Paris or Tokyo... then again I don't have enough money to do that anyway, so it doesn't matter.

3. How to focus on one task at once.


1. A red and white thong with a cherry print.

2. A pair of older-than-walking-talking-children Old Navy jeans

3. A santa hat.


1. My Game Boy advance, which is mocking me, and tempting me to ditch work, head to the couch in the ladies room and veg out playing super mario brothers 3.

2. A Laptop with not enough memory.

3. Candy


1. Have a kid and be a great parent. If I'm not capible of doing so, then I guess I'd adopt.

2. Have a flat panel Plasma Screen television on the ceiling above my bed.

3. Receive payment for starring in a film... It doesn't even have to be a good film, or a feature film-- I just want to be able to say I'm a professional actress.


1. I encourage people to believe in themselves through advice and example.

2. Until I'm proved otherwise, I believe that everyone can do anything and that there's always hope.

3. I'm pretty outgoing in large groups of people.


1. I often fade out of reality and live in a little optmisitc bubble, which makes me seem very unrealistic, and stupid

2. I like to be overly honest with people when they piss me off, and that upsets a lot of people-- then I'll have the nerve to be pissed off with the person who I just told is very ugly/an emotional child/has no backbone.

3. I'm emotionally needy, and have too much of a need to be liked. By everyone.


1. Black

2. Jewish German

3. Native American

(Wasn't I just born to be fucking oppressed??)


1. I love my legs

2. I think my smile is genuine

3. My eyelashes never need mascara, 'cause they're so long. It makes my eyes pretty.


1. I could stand to have boobs of a bra size I could define... C? B? What the fuck.

2. My skin. I like the color that my face is in the wintertime, and I wish I could be this color all year round, but nowhere on my body is my skin normal. It's not all the same color, it's really dry (especially on my legs) in the wintertime, and I still have fucking acne breakouts at 22. What the fuck.

3. My hair. It takes too much fucking work to style, and hasn't grown signifigantly in 3 years.


1. I couldn't tie my shoelaces on my own until I was around seven or so.

2. I have not cried in front of another person I'm aquainted with (outside of a funeral) in 3 years.

3. The Class of 98 mug on my desk doesn't represent when I "graduated" from high school (1996), it represents when I graduated from Computer Learning Center.


1. "Awesome!"

2. "Are you serious?"

3. " " <--- laughing. I laugh a lot... but mostly when I'm with my boyfriend.


Anywhere that isn't philadelphia--- and at the top of that list are the following cities/countries:

1. Places I haven't been on the west coast: (In this order) Las Vegas.... The not-shitty part of Hollywood... Phoenix, Rio, Seattle.

2. Places I haven't been in Canada: Vancouver, Qubec City

3. Places I just haven't been: On a cruise to anywhere, Mexico City, Key West, The Bahamas, Baltimore, London, Paris, Cape May, Denver (or wherever you're supposed to go in Colorodo for skiing), Miami, many other places.


1. Pam.

2. (little) Pammie. (unwillingly)

3. Peco


1. pammiechan

2. lilmissami

3. pheonix25

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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?