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Written, Saturday, Jun. 22, 2002 at around: 10:59 PM


Those blue eyes I saw last week were a part of me today.

Not quite a part of me, but a part of my life. He smiled at me today, and kept almost letting me in. I doubt that his smile- his bright, real smile- was hiding much today. There's so much that I wish I could see in that smile. So many things that I know I may never hear aloud.

This could work, and it could work easily, especially since when I peer into his eyes, I feel him looking back into me. His tangy powder blue eyes look directly into my bright brown eyes, and I feel him.

There were times today when I felt like I had mad this breakthrough, because I kept feeling him smile. When he puts his glasses on to drive, it enhances his face. His smile is grander, his eyes, although hidden behind glass, are even more delightful.

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