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Written, Tuesday, Apr. 20, 2004 at around: 4:21 PM

New layout, bitches (sorry, blame dave chappelle for my overuse of the word Bitches)

Websafe colors make me want to never fuck with javascript or html or anything of the like ever again.

Anyway, as you can tell, I changed this here layout, in honor of the movie that made me cry, and forced me to think like an adult, Kill Bill: Volume 2. I've been really watching volume 1 a lot, and I'm starting to think that I don't really need to see volume 2 again until it's out on video.

Especially since I think I'm PMSing really hard, and I don't want to have another emotional moment.

So what's up with me? Not much. I've been writing. Working. Spending a serious amount of time fucking around in my livejournal. Livejournal makes me happy because I don't feel like anyone is missing out on the crap I write when I decide to write 8 tiny shitty entries in one day. Fun!

This whole diet thing seems to be keeping me fairly consistant. I've lost a little weight, but I think that since my period will be here in a few days (crosses fingers that I won't be raggin in vegas... gross) I'm bloated. But I'm still on a steady decline.

Sharee is probabally going to have her baby, Arius Elise today. I refuse to call her daughter Arius, no matter what. That kid will be Elise to me until I die, especially considering that she's not even being born in aries. I've decided that being this child's godmother is important to me, and I'm going to follow through with it.

Yay for that.

I'm really fucking hungry. All I had for lunch was a spinach salad (which was suprisingly yummy) and OJ. I'd had fruit for breakfast. I think I'm going to fuck this diet up and eat some junk food. Maybe I'll go home, eat something chocolate, and come back out for a little exersize in the pool. Yay!

Okay I'm going to prepare to leave this place.

Love and adoration,


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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?