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Written, at around:


Written, Wednesday, Apr. 21, 2004 at around: 3:51 PM

For the sake of the children, eh?

The F word ban might get lifted


Fuckin' a.

So the group that posted this, the AFA American Family Association is all like, do something about this for the sake of the children. I would imagine that if their first priority truly is their children, that they wouldn't have them watching programming that -would- use the F word in an appropriate context anyway.

I mean, really, is an eight year old going to be watching the Apprentice or LAPD Blue? No. There's violnce on these shows, and they come on after kids that age really ought to either be in bed, eating dinner, or spending *gasp* quality time with their mom and/or dad.

Is it too left-wing to assume that I, as a 23 year old woman with a job and my apartment is given the opportunity to hear someone on comedy central say the F-word without a bleep, at 10pm when kids in the suburbs of Philadelphia should be getting ready for bed? And has anyone considered that children most frequently learn curse words from their parents?

I didn't know what Pussy meant until my mom explained it to me when I was nine. Then again I was home schooled, so if I went to a public school, I would have possibly learned the word even younger than nine.

Children are going to hear words, and say things no matter what. Words alone are not going to ruin a childhood. They might give them a filthy mouth, and get them in trouble at school, but I would assume that parents who are so dramatically conserned with their kid possibly hearing the F word while flipping through the stations would have their kid in such good shape that they're not liable to repeat such a word.


No kid is perfect. I was a great kid until I was about 13 when that whole Rebel thing got under my skin.

It is the parent's job to raise good children. I mean, we are not a perfect society by far, but we have excelent advantages, and right now I'm not sure that the F word on a luxury (tv) is really our main consern. Our main consern should be the quality of education for these fuck-saying children. Also one would imagine that the stance on health care, the blatent absentmindedness, and blind-eye to the minories of our country held within the mind of our Commander In Cheif would be what's on our mind as a presidential election creeps closer.

I mean, I'm all for the kids, but you konw what, fuck this F word shit. We should have our minds on much more serious topics, don't you think??

"There really weren't 88 of 'em."
"So why do they call themselves the crazy 88?"
"Guess they thought it sounded cool."

Love and adoration,


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