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Written, Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2004 at around: 4:38 PM

He's so damn sweet.

My boyfriend isn't really one of those pathetically romantic people. I don't think I would like dating someone who was, because that'd get on my fucking nerves.

Anyway, we went to dinner last night, and had a great meal and a great time. We walked to-and-from the restaruant in the snow, and played in the snow a litle. It was a really sweet time.

He sent me an email earlier today, and I won't quote it, because I don't know how he'd feel about that, but the gist of it was that he felt as though the food was great, but walking in the snow with me was even better.


Then he proceded to say that he also enjoyed kicking snow into my shoes.


Well, he's still sweet. Major boyfriend points for him today. Oh! More boyfriend points for him...

1- He was the first of the two of us to say Happy Anniversary today. That was nice.

2- As I often say, I'm fucking hot. Well, I think I am. Anyway, I wore a miniskirt yesterday (yes, I wore a miniskirt in the snow, tempatures be damned). We too the subway to dinner last night, and when I was getting off the subway this guy says, "Nice skirt." I didn't turn or respond, I just kept walking... and for a beat, I didn't hear any talking, which surprised me, as Frank's not someone to keep his comments to himself, so I was like, oh god.... what did he do. Then, post-beat, he says, "Thanks," to the guy, denoting that the skirt was snugly wrapped around the ass of his girlfriend.

I was very pleased that he, 1- didnt shove his umbrella into the guy's esophogus, and 2- didn't say, "Fuck you nigger," or anything similar.

I fear the day when someone says some shit to me, and frank doesn't hold his tounge, and a fight is a brewin'. I'm also scared that he'll say something to a chick one day and she'll turn around and start some shit, and I'll have to sock her in the fucking mouth, lol.

But everything's cool.

kay, I'm going to get ready to leave.

love and adoration,


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