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Written, Thursday, Feb. 05, 2004 at around: 4:00 PM

Attainable Goals

At some point, before the end of this year, I will be in a bar, or a club, and I will shake it like a Poloroid Picture to the sounds of outkast. Hopefully my boyfriend will be present and I'll be able to watch him turn red. As mean as embarrasing him is, a twisted little peice of me truly enjoys it. That's okay, because he's pretty much the same way. An eye for an eye, and whatnot? Maybe.

Yes, shaking it like a Poloroid Picture... that's a goal, and I'm quite sure I can achive it.

Hell, I'ma shake it this weekend with allison (provided she's not sick anymore), but I doubt I'll hear outkast, but that's okay, lol.

Other attainable goals:

Saving at least 2000 bucks, but hopefully 3000, between now and June 21st. Las Vegas Bay-bee! That shouldn't be too difficult, provided that I stick to the little budget I put together, and don't lose hundreds of dollars in the process, heh. I'm so very excited about this trip, man, you've got no idea.

Getting a 2000 dollar annual raise in June. All I have to do is not quit. That might be a challenge, but hopefully I won't tire of this job between now and when Frank and I head off to vegas.

Moving out of this apartment before I turn 24. I'm not sure how attaniable that one is, but I'm going to work on it. It's a serious goal, because I tire of living in the ghetto. Especially here in philadelphia, when there's trees right across the bridge.

Taking at least two different acting classes, taught by two different instructors before the summer. I'm going to try to get as much education about my craft as possible. Hopefully sometime soon I'll have the courage to do something with this little bit of talent I've got.

Losing another permanant 10 pounds, putting my ass back at 140 where it belongs. Hopefully I will not lose what little tit-age I have left in the process. I tried on a size six shirt that used to be very tight across the boobs the other day, and not only is it too big for me, but I could fit another set of boobs my size in this fucking shirt. It's a shame. I miss my size c-tits. As I'm sure they miss me as well.

Being a really good girlfriend. I guess this is kind of redundant because that's something I always strive to do, but I guess it's a part of the package deal, and reminiants of perfectionistic traits I long ago abandoned.

Being a better friend. I'm a terrible friend sometimes. I never call, and I never email, but for whatever reason everyone loves to hear from me. This year I'll try to be less of a selfish bitch (not saying I don't desire to be a selfish bitch, I enjoy my alone time, and anti-social moments) and actually be proactive in all of my favorite friendships.

There are other goals, but I can't think of them right now. More later.

love and adoration and stuff,


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