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Written, Thursday, Feb. 05, 2004 at around: 4:48 PM

Getting OLD?


I refuse.

It just can't happen.

But I'll be damed if while parusing the web, looking at the assnine journals of 13 year old girls obsessed with the influx of harmone driven boys, I realized something.

There are people, walking this earth, at this very moment, who were born in the 90s and are in their teenage years. Fuck if that doesn't make me feel old. I was born at the begninning of the eighties. I was 31 days off of 1980, and I feel old. That's really kind of stupid, because I'm only 23. I'm not anywhere near my 30's and for a moment I felt old, and feeble. How gross!

Well, I'm over that moment. I'm youthful and somewhat jubulant, and just a damn good time, so I think I'll stay that way until I'm 40. Wish me luck.

And I shake my fist at all you kids born in 1991 makin' me feel old.

love and old and stuff,


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