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Written, Thursday, Feb. 12, 2004 at around: 3:12 PM

I'm alright

I'm not like pissed off or anything, I just had a couple of fucking stressful moments while I was here today, and I didn't want to have to feel insanely stressed out.

Love the internet box, tickle the internet box.


I have completley lost the ablity to concentrate. I've eaten nothing but sugar today, and I have not been wearing my glasses consistantally.

There's a party this afternoon at 4, which I'm looking forward to. No work. That's for me.

I've done basically what I'm supposed to today. I don't feel guilty. Sometimes I really don't do anything all day... that's bad, I know, but I don't really care. I'm here, I showed up... there's nothing pressing for me to do, so whatever.

I feel like I've been walking around with my hands on my face all day, and I just took them away. My face is numb-ish.

And my damn toe is still all tingly and numb.

I don't feel like writing anymore.

love and adoraiton,


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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?