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Written, Wednesday, May. 19, 2004 at around: 4:06 PM

I have my tattoo, and I love it... and other stuff.

Well, let's see.

I don't update this much anymore. I think that makes the entries more fun to read, because there's so much info. Fun!

I have my tattoo! It's amazing, and I love it, and it's something that I'll apreciate for the rest of my life. It's so beautiful... and sexy. The colors came out beautifuly on my skin, and it looks just the way I wanted it to look.

Doing all that research and planning on the tattoo was totally worth it. It's something I'm not ashamed of showing people, and it has such profound meaning (To me anyway) that I'll never hate it.

Go me, committing to an idea! I get a cookie. :-)

If I ever have kids, I'll stick their ruling planets around the tattoo. That'd be wicked, and cooler than getting their names on me somewhere. I think that's a little tacky... to have people's names tattooed on your body. Ick.

Sharee is going to get her daughter's name tattooed up her arm. Okay. She also named the poor girl Arius. I love arius though. She's a sweetie. Cute little helpless baby! Aww!! I like being a godmomma, I get the best parts of being a mom, without having to do -everything. I get to buy cute things (but not all the time) I get to have a little influnce in how she's raised, but I don't have to make tough decisions, and I don't have to be elbow deep in doody.


Dude, this tattoo rules, and as soon as I get this roll developed, I'll have pictures for everyone to see.

I haven't told my mom that I have it yet, but that's only because she freaked out when I got my -wisdom teeth- taken out, and that was medically nescisary. I know she'd have a fucking heart attack if I told her that I got a tattoo. Lots of other people know though, so if I go missing, they'll know to look for the two wavy lines and the planet on my lower back.

Eventually I'll tell my mom, but for now I don't think it's imperitive that she knows. I'm an adult, and it's my body.

But I'm really happy that I got the tattoo, and I'm even more surprised that I got it alone. (I think most people are suprised that I got it at all) I was really afraid to get it done. Perhaps that's why I did it alone. I got my ears periced alone. I got my tattoo alone. I didn't freak out when the artist put the needle on my skin, but I was paranoid... but for whatever reason she just calmed me down. It was pretty awesome. I can't wait until it's completly healed, so I can show it off without having people think it's a scab.

I've been thinking of getting something else on my body periced. The eyebrow is out, because that's right on my face. Belly button is a no, because everyone I know who got it done got an infection. Tounge is a no, because although It sounds like fun, and an assistance to one of my favorite... activities... I don't want a hole in one of my most important organs. Even if it does heal up. If I get my upper ears peirced, I'll do that alone as well. I probabally won't though, because I don't want that so much as I wanted my tattoo, and I hear that hurts like fuck.

Forget that noise.

I want to get another tattoo, lol. These things rule. I think I'll get the snowflake on my left boob, but smaller than I orignally thought. Like a two inch diameter. That'd be delicate and beautiful. I'm going to think of color options for a snowflake, or maybe snowfall. I thought of a trail of snow down my spine... but well, I like to wear backless things, and I'm sure I'd like to continue to wear backless things at 40.

It'd still be fucking awesome.

Maybe a trail of snow down my boob. That'd be pretty fucking cool. I need bigger boobs to facilitate my tattoo idea, lmao!

I'm pmsing, and have been in a terrible mood all day. I'm in an, "I totally hate this job," funk. I had a weird psudo wtf argument with frank today for no reason. I hate when I'm moody like this. It really throws me a curveball.

What really sucks is that I'll be like this right before vegas. Gawd. 33 days from now, Frank and I will be in beautiful, sunny las vegas. Fuck philadelphia and it's disgusting air, and equally as disgusting people.

I had a dream last night that Ileana came home from Japan and we drove around in her car, just randomly, catching up. I really miss Ileana. We talked about such random stuff, and she laughed a lot. And karaoke. Enough said.

I had another dream that I was at Maria's wedding and she said that I was like her little sister, and I was so touched I cried. I miss maria too, but she's busy with wedding stuff. She's getting married in October. I'm so excited for her, because she's really happy.

A few nights prior I had a night that I was bathing/showering with Allison. It was a strange dream. We were in a bathtub, naked, washing up. I don't know why we were washing up, or why we had to share a bathtub. It was a strange dream.

Alli and I hung out last night.

I love alli as much as one can possibly love someone they hardly ever see, and have little romantic intrest in. She's so great. Allison and I really need to spend more time together, because our friendship is so effortless, and fun. It's like a chick version of my friendship with frank in the whole, no drama=fun way. That's so fucking real, I dig it.

We drank martnis and caught up on life. It was a very adult evening. We talked about people and our boyfriends and sex, and real topics. It was so wondeful to talk to a girl about shit like that. Usually the only person I talk to about anything with any weighted value to it is frank, but I'm sure the poor dude needs a break.

He's sweet to put up with me though.

Alli's got a new boyfriend, and I must meet him and put my stamp of approval on him. From what I've heard, I already like the guy, but he could still be not good enough for allison, so I have to wait until I meet him. He sounds pretty swanky thus far, though.

I'm so tired. I'm tired of working 60 hours a week. I'm tired of still not having much money.

I got my palm read yesterday while I hung out with alli, and the girl told me that I'm stressing myself out. Well shit, anyone could look at me and tell me that, sister. I look fucking tired, worn out, and like I need a massage and a *shock* vacation.

I like getting my palm read, especially when they pinpoint my personality. That's so fun.

Again, I was told that I'll have 3 kids, marry once at the age of 26, I'm destined to help people through my profession, that I'll probabally always have two carreers, and one of them will be artsy fartsy. They always tell me that I've been hurt twice in relationships (Glenn and Mike Cook, yow!), and that I'm a truly good person. Last night, psychic girl told me that I'm a chick who won't settle on shit, that I have to have the best. Yeah. She told me that I'll travel between now and september (Which is a little hokey, because doesn't everyone go on vacation in the summer?), and well, Vegas!

Oh, speaking of vegas, I prommise I'll take lots of pictures with my disposable cameras, and get them developed to CD... and make a couple of pages like the one I made for my birthday party, so that you can all look at the stupid shit I take pictures of while on vacation.

I'm really, truly, madly, deeply looking forward to this vacation. Frank and I both need to get away from here for a while. After we come back from las vegas, we'll have to start planning our next trip, lmao!!

Oh, and we're going to another BNL concert, come september (or is it august? I forget). That'll be fun. They put on a really good show, and their concerts are mellow, so it'll be a nice summer show. They're touring with Alanis Morrisette, which is just canada all over the damn place. But that'll be cool. I wonder if she does "You Oughtta Know," in her live performances. I should re buy her albums which were... uh, collected, from me.

Well, I only had the one- jagged little pill.

Random: I want to move to canada, lol. Fuck, I want to move, period.

I'm going to the No Doubt Concert in june. (!!! GWEN!!!) I'm pretty sure that I'll be going with Alli, but a peice of me still wants to take Frank's little sister, Alise. I'm having trouble deciding. Maybe I should just have the two of them fight over the ticket, and the loser gets to go. That way everyone wins!


I haven't been like, legitimatly depressed in a while. I think I'm a little grumpy because of PMS, the weather, and the fact that I didn't sleep particuarly well last night. I'll be better tomorrow. There isn't anything crazy new wrong with me, but still, I'm entitled to a little bit of whining every now and again.

Sex would cheer me up.

Oh there I go talking about my sex life while updating at work.

Har har.

Fuck you. Grow up.

If you're offended by that, it was meant for you.

Yeah, I need to grow up too.

I love kill bill. Volume two wasn't very violent, but I love it. I love Uma thurman, and I think Quintin Tarantino is insane, but he's got talent oozing out of his ocd/add ears.

I want to go home, fix a bowl of cereal with soymilk and watch kill bill in my room. But I have to go work at the goddamn museum.

I like working at the museum, but it'll be a late night tonight, and I'm already fucking exausted. I signed up for this. You reap what you sew and all that jazz.

I hate this job, but it'll get better when my period is over, and the days are bright and sunny, and alli works here. I'll have a total of two friends in the office.

Since sarah quit, I've been totally alone, except for my mom. And like I said, I love my mommie, but she's insane. I don't need her shit every day, dude. That's why I moved out, lol. But I deal. She is hardly my main annoyance at this job.

There's plenty more people for me to hate.

My headache is coming back! Fuck.

I'm leaving work now.

Love and adoration,


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