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Written, Tuesday, May. 25, 2004 at around: 9:22 AM

la la la la la la al al I don't feel like writing a title...

So my momma found out about my tattoo. She, supprisingly, didn't freak out. I think that's awesome, and makes me feel like a complete dick for not telling her.

Oh well.

Last night I had an interesting dream.

I had a dream that Julie and I were going somewhere that wasn't to go work at the museum, and we had to catch the trolley underground (trolleys run underground here in philly). We got to somewhere out in the suburbs where there's a Burlington Coat Factory and a Pizza hut, and we were walking down the street, talking about nothing and I saw Tom Hanks accross the street.

I don't remember if I saw him first or if someone else pointed him out to me, but Julie (in perfect juile form) freaked out a little. Juile gets starstruck if people tell her that they were in a play that more than 4 people paid to see. She's so pure and childlike in that way, it's kind of funny. Anyway, Julie notices Tom Hanks and freaks out... like, "Ohmigod, that's TOM HANKS."

I got excited, because I love Tom Hanks... I mean, dude. Splash? Big? Philadelphia? Forrest fuckin' Gump? He's been in so many great films, (and made "great" films out of "okay" scripts) and he's such a diverse actor. So we go over to tom hanks, and he starts talking to us. We get cozy in like, this little livingroom area with chairs and pillows, but Tom, Juile and I end up siting on something like a bed together.

Tom turned out to be a really warm, friendly, congenial, charming and overall well-spoken guy. I kept asking him quesitons, all of which he answered. Julie just kind of chilled out and took everything in. She seemed liek she was too in awe to say anything, but she was really digging seeing tom hanks. He read poetry and prose to us, and we discussed litature and flims he had been in.

I took out my copy of Forrest Gump (the book, which for whatever reason I had with me) and asked him to autograph it. Forrest Gump is one of the few books I've read more than twice, and I love it every time I read it. I told Tom Hanks that I was sorry that I didn't have a copy of the DVD for him to autograph, but my boyfriend had a copy, and if he didn't mind, we could go to Frank's house and he could autograph Frank's dvd.

Tom said that he'd love to, but he didn't have time to go to New Jersey today. Then he was like, another time, or something like that, he'd come visit.

Wow. How nice of tom hanks!

Oddly, I got this weird vibe from Tom Hanks... being around him felt like being around my boyfriend. Like I had that level of comfortablity. If he had given me a hug, I would have totally just laid on him and made myself comfortable, lol. I wonder what all of this means. Am I destined to hang out with tom hanks? (who'd gotten a little fat in my dream, by the way!)

I had a killer migrane yesterday, and I think I have another again today. That motherfucker lasted all day long, and I had a lot of trouble falling asleep last night. Trouble to the point where I honestly don't remember falling asleep.

I was okay this morning when I rolled out of bed, but it hurt -so- bad. I haven't had a migrane headache in over a year, maybe longer. That was murder.

Later this week, the unthinkable will occur. Frank, my mom and I will all sit down and share a meal, and potentially conversation. Oh, my, god.

I think my mom is scared that frank and I are running off to las vegas to get married. Fuck that noise. I'm in love with the guy, but please remember that I'm 23, broke, and he resides with his family. We ain't ready for that shit, and I don't think either of us have that shit on our minds.

Baby steps... if any steps are taken at all.

I like to talk about weddings and shit to my girlfriends, but come on.

Anyway, we're going to sit down and eat, and I have a feeling that I'll be embarrassed at some point during this dinner. Most likely by my mom, because she knows me inside and out, and occasionally, -i doubt it's ever on purpose- says some shit that I wish she'd just keep to herself.

As paranoid as I am about this meeting getting potentially embarrasing for me, or my my mom getting angry about something, or Frank getting his feelings hurt, or me just totally being outraged by the entire situation and walking home... it'll be nice to see them talk.

I never really tell either of them, but they're very similar people (perhaps that speaks phathoms to students of freud, but whatever). They're both really fucking lazy, and would rather drive than walk 3 blocks. They both love to watch tv, and are both fans of various star trek programs. They both get angry over little shit... like all the time, and it's funny because sometimes they even say the same shit. "Fucking thing, work!" LMAO! They both love to drive, and are really excelent drivers. They both work really hard at jobs that don't apreciate them enough, are both given more responsiblity without enough financial compensation. They're both individuals who other people really trust, and/or look up to. They both like to shop.

And most importantly, they both love me! They both do the nicest stuff for me, and want to make me happy and whatnot. And they care about me.

Aww, ain't they special? Fuck that, aren't I special??


So one would imagine that they'd get along. Or at least pretend to when they're around each other to make me happy. This whole meeting thing wasn't my idea, Mom wanted this, and Frank is a willing subject because mom bugged me to the point where I didn't have much of a choice. Plus there's nothing to hide in our relationship (Well, except personal stuff) so whatever. We shall see.

Love and adoration,


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This is so fucking cute:

*HUGS* TOTAL! give miabogard more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own

copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?