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Written, Monday, Apr. 12, 2004 at around: 5:37 PM

My desktop brings all the boys to the yard...

And I'm like, it's better than yours. You damn right it's better than yours. I could teach you, but I'd have to charge.

KILL BILL, bitch!

I'm still at work, trying to make up for all the shit I didn't accomplish today, and somehow that just isn't happening. It's also raining outside, which is a complete deterant from doing anything productive. Either inside or outside. I wanted to go work out and do my laundry, but I don't really feel like it anymore. Between a serious case of the Mondays, being at work after 5:15, and the fact that it's raining cats and motherfucking bitches outside really doesn't encourage me to go work out.

I might go anyway, because I like to swim, and I need to get used to it again.

Plus, my swimsuit is so cute, and seing my pudgyness in it makes me want to exersize more. Yeah, yeah, whine whine. "You're not really fat," this and "what are you dieting for," that. Fuck you. I want to lose weight to make me feel better about myself. Bite me.

Plus, I'm more likely to do well in the entertainment industry if I've got less physical baggage. Not that I'm gross. I'm not. I'm fucking hot shit, but still. I'd look great with 20 less pounds on my ass and stomach.

Hopefully I won't lose what little I have remaining of my tits from when I was 170. I had huge tits when I was 170. Now at 150, they're little specks. God knows what I'll be left with at 140 or even 135.

I want to buy lots of beautiful clothing to make me feel better about myself. This job doesn't really make me feel all that great-- even though it's not terrible, working in this office isn't really anything i look forward to. I do think about it when I'm not here, but it's not happy thoughts I'm thinkin'.

Anyway, I've gotten really into the application of makeup, and I think I'm really getting good at it. Yay for the nerd girl.

Speaking of being a nerd, among the thousands of things that I want to do after Vegas, (getting a car, moving, taking another vacation) I really need to get a new computer. I want a laptop. This one (at work) makes me happy, because I've slowly, over the years, become a fan of the trackpad. The only real problem with laptops is their lack of upgradablitly.

But being able to take my computer to work and back home would actually make me like this job a little more. Also, I'd be able to keep everything in one spot, without having to fuck around with a bajillion emails or ftps. Ah, I miss working directly in the IT field, but then again I don't. Being an editor is easy shit. Just alot of bullshit in this office.


I'm going the fuck home.

Love and adoration, bitches!

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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?